
  • Page 1 — How does citizen power not work
  • Page 2 — what is use of energy system?
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    Consuming excess electricity from our own solar system at neighbors selling so locally – this local direct supply, also called citizen Stream, is increasingly being discussed and demanded. The EU energy ministers, DieEnde in Brussels in December, however, made calls for a Förderungdieser idea to be frozen. In logic of today’s current system, this is conclusive, as civil power remains largely ineffective. However, DieDiskussion to new participation models for citizens does not end.

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    How local trade can work was recently presented in a momentum paper by energy Brainpool. The concept sounds good at first: electricity, which is produced in a private betriebenenPhotovoltaikanlage and is not consumed re directly, should be able to sell to neighbours, also via public grid. Denlokalen consumption would relieve net. Sellers of PV power profitiertendurch higher revenues, buyers by lower prices, EEG account would be relieved, since no feed-in remuneration would be paid anymore, and forestry power grid Zencke also. Because citizens generate electricity decentrally and before Ortverbraucht, its proponents are already calling for ReduzierteNetznutzungsentgelte. By saving fees and lower taxes undUmlagen, citizen electricity becomes attractive.

    On closer examination, however, it can be seen that well-intentioned idea in today’s energy world is virtually ineffective because dierichtigen conditions are missing. For most consumers, DerStromverbrauch is calculated only once a year via a conventional total counter. If such a consumer buys his überschüssigenStrom from his neighbour, it is not possible to check wher this energy Auchtatsächlich is consumed at same time. Since electricity is already completely unaffected commercial contracts according to physical laws takes its way through grid, neighbourhood deal does not change situation in Stromnetzalso.

    Rachel Walker

    is professor of energy distribution technologies at Institute for Sustainable Technical Systems at Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg.

    It would be different if power consumption with an intelligent meter would be determined in a quarter of an hour. Combined with smart Verbrauchsgerätenoder with intelligent charging pillars for electric vehicles, DerVerbrauch could n be targeted to times when a lot of solar power Erzeugtwird. But very few consumers are equipped with se facilities today. Thus, surplus electricity would most likely be sold first to customers who consume a lot in daytime without a echteVerbrauchsverschiebung taking place.

    if ( typeof AdController !== ‘undefined’ !window.Zeit.isMobileView()) { if ( !document.getElementById( ‘iqadtile4’ ) ) { var elem = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = ‘iqadtile4’; elem.className = “ad ad-desktop ad-desktop–4 ad-desktop–4-on-article”; elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-type’, ‘desktop’); elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-label’, ‘Anzeige’); document.getElementById(‘ad-desktop-4’).parentNode.appendChild(elem); AdController.render(‘iqadtile4’); if ( window.console typeof === ‘function’ ) {‘AdController ‘ AdController.VERSION ‘ tile 4 desktop’) } } } if ( typeof AdController !== ‘undefined’ window.Zeit.isMobileView()) { if ( !document.getElementById( ‘iqadtile4’ ) ) { var elem = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = ‘iqadtile4’; elem.className = “ad ad-mobile ad-mobile–4 ad-mobile–4-on-article”; elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-type’, ‘mobile’); document.getElementById(‘ad-mobile-4’).parentNode.appendChild(elem); AdController.render(‘iqadtile4’); if ( window.console typeof === ‘function’ ) {‘AdController ‘ AdController.VERSION ‘ tile 4 mobile’) } } }

    The idea of a civil stream is more complex than thought: How should Beispielsweisedie “neighbourhood” be defined? Is this only spatial Näheausschlaggebend or do both parties have to be in same net strand? Who predicts how much surplus electricity is are every day, and who is in favour of it if prognosis was wrong? Kannüberschüssiger electricity that was not sold, still eingespeistwerden into net? Is it possible to get a feed-in remuneration? And who provides energy in times when sun does not shine? The direct supply Könnteschnell be so complicated that only professionals can handle it. EtablierteEnergieversorger could see it as a lucrative business, with which sichUmlagen and fees can be saved. Thus, civil power, despite good intentions, would privilege individual actors, financed at end by higher fees sharedby or consumers.

    Tenant electricity can be profitable

    The basic idea to market surpluses from solar plants locally, however, is logical furr development of a current trend: self-sufficiency is on rise, daSolaranlagen or small block heat electricity supply cheaper than DasStromnetz. Every kilowatt-kwh consumed by itself saves cash. PerMieterstrom or even district electricity, on-site consumption can be increased Profitabelauf multi-family houses and entire quarters, unless Dasöffentliche network is used. So why stop re? Why not upstream local platforms through public distribution network, PerBlockchain and autonomous apps revolutionize energy world and make tradierteVersorger superfluous?