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BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 28, 2023/PRNewswire/ — During MWC 2023, Huawei launched three solutions: Huawei FTTR OptiXstar F30, the industry’s first commercial 50G PON, and Huawei OptiX Alps-WDM, solutions designed for the all-optical home, ultra-broadband access, and all-optical metropolitan network fields. In addition to helping operators build E2E green all-optical networks to support high-quality development of all services, these solutions also support seamless evolution to F5.5G networks and the move to 10Gbps everywhere.

As the next generation PON technology defined by ITU-T, 50G PON effectively supports 10Gbps everywhere. Huawei’s innovative 50G PON solution offers a cost-effective evolution path for operators to upgrade their networks to 10G.

Huawei’s OptiX Alps-WDM solution with these four capabilities builds a simplified architecture and provides the ultimate experience. They help redefine green all-optical networks and meet the requirements of operators to develop B2C, B2H and B2B services. They will support the evolution of services in the next decade.

Richard Jin, General Manager of Huawei’s Optical Product Line, said, “From F5G to F5.5G, rather than plan the future, we create it. Today, gigabit connectivity is rapidly becoming popular around the world. From Diversifying network requirements will demand ubiquitous 10 gigabit connectivity by 2025. All industries need to work together to embrace F5.5G and move towards 10Gbps everywhere. Huawei will join global carriers to speed up the upgrade of the network and the application of new technologies, helping operators to continuously expand their business boundaries and seize opportunities with the best user experience to lead the future.”

MWC Barcelona 2023 takes place from February 27 to March 2 in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Huawei presents its products and solutions at stand 1H50 in Hall 1 of Fira Gran Vía. Together with global operators, industry professionals and opinion leaders, we delve into topics such as 5G business success, 5.5G opportunities, development green, digital transformation and our vision to use the GUIDE business model to lay the foundation for 5.5G and build on the success of 5G for even greater prosperity. For more information, please visit: https://carrier.huawei.com/cn/events/mwc2023

[1] 5A: Accurate Planning, Agile Installation, All-in Acceptance, Active Assurance, and Attentive Care.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2011026/Image1.jpg

View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/huawei-lanza-3-soluciones-para-adoptar-f5-5g-y-avanzar-hacia-los-10-gbps-en-todas-partes-301758405.html