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Madrid, December 7

Leading lawyers in the Second Chance Law exceed 110 million euros exonerated

The Mercantile Court no. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENT”In his case -explain the lawyers of Repair your Debt- he lived abroad for many years. When he came to Spain he set up a business from scratch, buying all the necessary machinery. Later, with the real estate crisis, the sales. In addition, he had to manage non-payments. His son was studying at the time. He could not face the accumulated debts and went to the office in search of a solution to his economic problems”. The Second Chance Law was approved by the Spanish Parliament in 2015 as a viable way out for individuals and self-employed individuals in a situation of over-indebtedness. More and more people are aware of this legislation and turn to it to cancel the debts they have contracted and which they cannot afford. One of the keys to choosing correctly is to put yourself in the hands of a professional and specialized law firm with cases of demonstrable success. In this sense, Repara tu Deuda Abogados publishes all the sentences handed down by the Spanish courts in which they have participated. “Our cases -the firm’s lawyers explain- are available to anyone interested in knowing the details of the sentences. In addition, given the high degree of satisfaction of the people who have resorted to this legislation, some of them decide to take a step in front, telling his story of over-indebtedness and the satisfactory result of his process.”Repara tu Deuda Abogados focuses its work solely on the application of the Second Chance Law. This reason has led him to concentrate all his efforts on bringing this mechanism closer to all parts of Spain. Thus, the total amount exonerated to its clients has exceeded 110 million euros. In order to be a beneficiary of this legislation, it is necessary to meet a series of prerequisites. Among them, the amount owed must never exceed 5 million euros, no socioeconomic crime may have been committed in the last ten years and the fundamental element that all judges take into account is that the debtor is a bona fide debtor who collaborates in all moment by providing the documentation that is required. Bertín Osborne collaborates with the law firm so that the law is better known. “We are facing legislation – declare the lawyers – that helps many people start a new life, from scratch, without debts that drown them. It is, therefore, essential that no potential beneficiary is left without their second chance.”

ContactContact name: David GuerreroContact telephone number: 655956735