Minister-President Marin in Berlin, your country is involved in Datteln 4. The climate activists use to Protest against the coal-fired power plant.
BERLIN afp/taz | climate activists on Wednesday on the occasion of the visit of the Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin in Berlin against the planned commissioning of the coal-fired power plant Datteln 4 protested. “The climate crisis is now a reality, and we urgently need to switch off coal-fired power plants, instead of new to the network”, invited Greenpeace energy expert Lisa Göldner. The majority state-owned Finnish energy company Fortum is the main shareholder of the dates-operator Uniper is.
“Finland has set itself the climate protection great goals and plans to yourself, all of the coal-fired power plants by 2029 shut down,” said Göldner. “Therefore, it is completely incomprehensible that the Finnish state consolidated permits Fortum as the main shareholder of dates-operator Uniper, that in Germany in the year 2020, a new coal-fired power plant in operation.” Marin should do everything in their Power to stop Datteln 4.
“1.5-degree goal is still to adhere to, must not be stopped, only dates, but also other coal-fired power plants must be shut down”, demanded Tom Patzelt of Fridays for the Future. Marin should be your requirements when it comes to climate protection.
Patzelt pointed out that the imported coal to be burned in Datteln 4, comes from countries such as South Africa, Colombia and Russia, where it will come from the degradation to human rights violations.
The coal Commission had recommended in the past year, a waiver of the start-up of dates 4. The coal phase-law of the Federal government, however, to let the already completed new power plant to the grid. In return, while other coal-fired power plants should not go from the grid, environmentalists consider this to be adequate, however, and speak of a “false Signal”.
elsewhere, the Federal government has been praised on Wednesday for its energy policy: The International energy Agency (IEA) presented a country report of Germany. In the last year, adopted a climate protection program to 2030 with the CO2-pricing in the transport and heat sector is referred to as an important step in the right direction.
previously, the IEA, Germany had praised due to the decline of the coal-fired power generation by around 25 percent in the past year, as the European spearhead in the decline of CO2-emissions.