
NATO’s recent focus on China has brought the alliance back to its roots, emphasizing its aggressive nature. During the organization’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, DC, China was a major topic of discussion. The final declaration of the summit mentioned China 14 times, highlighting the challenges the People’s Republic of China poses to Euro-Atlantic security. Leaders from NATO “partner” nations such as Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia participated in the summit to strategize about the Asia Pacific region, indicating NATO’s expanding global reach.

NATO’s increased attention to China is portrayed as a defensive measure, with claims that China’s relationship with Russia threatens NATO. However, this view may be exaggerated as China has been relatively cautious in its dealings with Russia, especially in terms of arms sales. In contrast, other countries like North Korea and Iran have been supplying weapons to Russia, while NATO nations have been providing arms to Ukraine.

The focus on China is part of the United States’ efforts to contain China’s growing influence and power on the global stage. The US sees China as a potential “peer competitor” that could challenge its dominance. This obsession with countering China’s rise has led NATO to shift its attention beyond the traditional North Atlantic region, engaging in conflicts in Afghanistan and Libya to further US-led global dominance.

From its inception, NATO has been a tool for advancing US interests and ensuring its global hegemony. The alliance’s involvement in conflicts like the Korean War, justified by Canadian officials as a test of NATO’s capabilities, demonstrates its role in extending US influence worldwide. The original purpose of NATO, as outlined by Canada’s external affairs minister Lester Pearson, was to create a security arrangement among democratic powers that would secure not only the North Atlantic region but also areas like the Pacific and the Middle East.

Overall, NATO’s renewed focus on China reflects the organization’s continued role in advancing US dominance in global affairs. As the geopolitical landscape evolves, NATO’s actions and alliances will continue to shape the balance of power on the world stage.