Computer on the Basis of the quantum technology will replace the current computer systems. The Federal government does not want to lose the connection.

Works already: the quantum computer the “Q-System One” of IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York photo: Misha Friedman/NYT/Redux/laif

BERLIN taz | little has been said about the tip end of January, meeting in the Chancellery. Where else, the great Fortunes of the Nation in car-, Agricultural – or food-peaks between the Federal government and stakeholders to be negotiated, this time it was to a scientific specialty, which attracted not a single camera crew in the Tiergarten. The “innovation potential of quantum technologies of the second Generation” were on the agenda of the third dialogue on Innovation policy, science and the economy under the leadership of Chancellor Merkel. The round was agreed: After the digitization quantum will be the next “big thing” in technological development – currently still view the chances for Germany.

even now, it is expected that the digital computer technology is due to the physical limits of the semiconductor devices are no longer able to the amount of electron transport required for the increasingly complex computing process in a shorter period of time. The solution lies in new computing methods on the Basis of quantum physics: Not more electrons but particles of light – photons – are the carriers of Information.

The research on quantum computers is progressing fast. A new 300 million Euro programme of the Federal Ministry for education and research (BMBF), which was presented at the beginning of February, intended to ensure that Germany will lose the connection.

Where quantum computing is only one of a total of four fields, which are attributed to the quantum technologies. With the quantum-based sensors, imaging, and Metrology; quantum communication and cryptography belong to; as well as quantum simulators. The German research landscape will take in the quantum technologies “in width and the tip on a leading international role”, said the scientists, among them the President of the Max-Planck – and Fraunhofer-society, the innovation dialogue, which was organised by the technology Academy, Acatech. The government, the Chancellor, the Federal Ministers for Finance, economy and research, as well as Chancellery Minister brown attended.

Necessary, the result of the round, “a German quantum technology to create an Ecosystem with international appeal”, the excellent researchers cross-linking more effectively with each other and with the business community. This should be offered by the “creation of information platforms for sharing and infrastructure for low-threshold be encouraged leagues to test the new technologies”.

money is in the game. As early as 2018, with the government program “quantum technologies – from the fundamentals to the market,” a financial framework of EUR 650 million for the quantum research of the current parliamentary term in view. The major competitors in the USA and China operate with billion-dollar amounts.

Using the quantum computer to advance Big Data and artificial intelligence into new dimensions, expected Reimund Neugebauer, President of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the largest German science organization for applied research. “Such progress could delivery the door to new scientific insights and enormous improvements in the chains, logistics, and modeling financial data and problems from the classical engineering Sciences to open,” says Neugebauer the Benefits. Currently, 14 Fraunhofer-institutes in the field of quantum technology are active.

Neugebauers latest Coup: With the support of the BMBF, he brings the first functioning quantum computer the “Q-System One” of the US-American IT-company IBM, to Germany. Currently, the contract negotiations, in which the Threading is also German Chancellor Angela Merkel was turned on, in the hot Phase. The deal is perfect, you can start the quantum computer of the beginning of 2021. Location of the German IBM Headquarters in baden-württemberg, Ehningen. “The Installation of an IBM Q system in Europe is unprecedented and opens new possibilities for the development of quantum computing strategies in the emerging Fraunhofer-Center with full data sovereignty according to European law,” says Reimund Neugebauer. The extent to which the Fraunhofer researchers access to the IBM machine will have, is the subject of the negotiations, to be completed in February.

the deal Is perfect, you can start the quantum computer of the beginning of 2021.

In some cases, the technology leaves the laboratory. “In the German industry, there is a large interest in the topic of quantum technology, and there are also first steps, the industry enterprises in the application or in the development of quantum technology,” says Peter Leibinger, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the Trumpf GmbH, the world’s largest manufacturer of laser systems. If the technology has reached the use of maturity, which Leibinger expects in ten years, could count to the users about “the do-it-yourselfers, using a quantum sensor to find a water pipe in the wall, or the neurologist, the can magnet by means of quantum field sensors, brain waves measure”.

When trump has already produced a first quantum-Start-up with currently 15 employees. The company “Q. ant” produces special Laser for quantum technologies, such as Sensors. “We are out lasers from a crystal tiny light channels – the technological heart of quantum sensors,” says Leibinger, the procedure. “This could allow in the future new microscopes, with which a previously unknown cell analyses are feasible, for example, in medicine,” says Leibinger, the knowledge with his practice as speaker of the program Committee interacts with quantum systems of the BMBF directly to the research policy.

Also in the North-West of the Republic, in the research center Jülich of the Helmholtz Association, research Foundation, there is quantum-fever. In the previous month, the Helmholtz Quantum Center (HQC) was opened as the Central technology laboratory for the entire spectrum of Research for quantum computing – financed with 50 million euros from the Helmholtz budget.

The Transfer of quantum information is the specialty of a group of researchers at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU), however, is. The group around the physicist Harald Weinfurter recently succeeded to transfer quantum properties over a distance of twenty kilometers via optical fiber. “The removal is a milestone in terms of the distribution of quantum information in a large scale,” says Weinfurter. For their Experiment, the researchers used Rubidium atoms, which will send to the targeted excitation of photons with a wave length of 780 nano-meters on the journey through the glass fiber. Later experiments in the wild are scheduled to the communication network with new nodes to expand.