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Madrid, May 21, 2024.- beWanted, a leader in innovation in personnel selection models, is transforming the way in which companies and candidates meet thanks to artificial intelligence and an innovative talent pool model. This change is possible thanks to the collaboration with leading partners, talent pool managers, who play a key role in this new approach.

Success story: Platinum Employment

A clear example of the impact of this technology is Platino Empleo, a platform designed specifically for the audiovisual sector, an initiative launched by EGEDA, the association of audiovisual content producers. Thanks to this talent pool, film, television or video game production companies can quickly access qualified professionals, significantly reducing hiring time and ensuring that they have the appropriate personnel. The implementation of this technology has allowed numerous production companies to fill critical vacancies in record time, improving their operation and efficiency.

beWanted has developed advanced technology that allows the creation of talent pools, making it easier for companies and candidates to find each other more effectively. This tool not only improves the selection process, but also optimizes talent management, offering a comprehensive solution for human resources needs.

Juan Torroba, CEO of beWanted, comments: “We want to revolutionize the way companies and candidates connect. Artificial intelligence helps us analyze large volumes of data and identify the best talent accurately and quickly. With our new model “With talent pools, companies have direct access to a base of highly qualified candidates, ready for the challenges of today’s labor market.”

Innovation and technology at the service of the selection

The beWanted platform uses AI algorithms to identify patterns and trends in candidate data, thus allowing for more refined and personalized selection. This approach not only saves companies time and resources, but also improves the experience of candidates, who receive proposals aligned with their skills and professional aspirations.

Talent Pool Managers: strategic partners

At the heart of this transformation are talent pool managers, strategic partners who play a crucial role in managing and curating talent pools. These experts work closely with companies to understand their specific needs and ensure that the proposed candidates are the best fit for each position. This collaboration ensures that companies not only find the talent they are looking for, but can also maintain an ongoing and enriching relationship with candidates.

beWanted has implemented its technology in collaboration with various sectors, including education, sports and gastronomy, through initiatives such as Platino Empleo (Audiovisual Industry), Tur Jobs (Tourism Guatemala), Acade Jobs (Teachers), Fitness and Employment (FNEID Association for sports), GastroTalent (Restaurants), Talento beFP and FarmaEmpleo (Pharmacies). These alliances highlight the versatility and effectiveness of the talent pool model, demonstrating its ability to adapt to the needs of different industries.

About beWanted

beWanted is a technological platform that offers innovative solutions for personnel selection. With an approach focused on artificial intelligence and the creation of talent pools, beWanted facilitates the connection between companies and candidates, optimizing the selection process and improving talent management. More information on the webpage.

For more information, interviews or additional material, contact: info@bewanted.com

Press Contact Name: Miguel Torres


Contact name: beWanted Spain SL

Contact description: Journalistic Office

Contact email: comunicados@prensaymedios.com