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-Business leaders adopt new technologies to boost competitiveness and address today’s biggest challenges

Results of the first Viva Technology barometer

PARIS, February 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — More than 9 out of 10 managers (96%) consider the integration of new technologies a fundamental factor to ensure the competitiveness of their company.

Technology continues to play a leading role in businesses, with AI taking center stage, according to 63% of decision-makers surveyed. In fact, 88% of them intend to invest in AI by 2024.

After AI, the technologies that attract the most attention of executives are cloud computing (49%) and cybersecurity (40%).

93% of business leaders see technology as an ally to address major human challenges. Specifically, technological progress is expected to simplify access to information and combat disinformation (44%); support the challenges facing the education system (43%); and help combat pandemics and the climate crisis (39% and 37% respectively).

While it can be very beneficial, technological progress is also accompanied by worrying risks. However, in this context of uncertainty, business leaders feel confident (92%) and demonstrate a solid understanding of technological and cybersecurity issues (85%), although small discrepancies persist in France and Germany.

Download the full report by following this link.

Contact: vivatech@publicisconsultants.com

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/es/comunicados-de-prensa/los-lideres-empresariales-adoptan-nuevas-tecnologias-para-impulsar-la-competitividad-302065065.html