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Madrid, March 13, 2023.

F.’s management

In HIP 2022, Digitalization, Talent Management and Sustainability in its broadest concept were identified as the main elements of concern and opportunity for the sector. In 2023, efforts have been made to move “from words to deeds”, addressing these challenges from a practical perspective. With Eduardo Serrano Martínez, Executive President of AIDABE, as host, and the participation of numerous partners and friends, there has been talk about: Practical application of the METAVERSE and NFTs Wanting to know what is being done in the field of the metaverse as well as applied NFTs , questions arise such as: what is the metaverse? Is there a business for restoration as a traditional process? what are your keys? what are NFTs? How to create long-term value for this unique means of identification and payment? From the hand of Andrés Romero, CEO of ASIRI Marketing, an attempt was made to respond to these, reaching the conclusion that it is still early to talk about great business opportunities and revaluation. It is difficult to make a global business out of it, from a strictly restaurant point of view and unless a company has the capacity to serve its food and drink (basic product in the customer experience), beyond its natural borders, also by the low level of development of technologies applied to a 100% sensory experience. It could be that at the moment the metaverse had a utility more linked to the recruitment and reservation process; that it was something more niche than massive. The presentation was moderated by Eduardo Serrano, Partner and General Director of ESMA. Expatriating, opportunity or risk? Moderated by Mercedes Saracho, Manager of the Lavapiés Merchants Association, with the participation of Eugeni Serranos, Director of F