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– Education Cannot Wait renews multi-year resilience program in Uganda with a catalytic funding investment of US$25 million

ECW’s total funding for Uganda exceeds US$75 million. The new investment delivered by Save the Children and UNHCR in partnership with the Government of Uganda will reach 122,000 refugee and host community children. US$180 million funding gap remains as partners come together to tackle Africa’s largest refugee crisis

KAMPALA, Uganda, March 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — In response to Africa’s largest refugee crisis, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) today announced US$25 million in catalytic funding to expand the Fund’s Multi-Year Resilience Program in Uganda. ECW’s total funding in Uganda now exceeds US$75 million.

The extended three-year program will be delivered by Save the Children and UNHCR, in partnership with the Government of Uganda, and will support the inclusion of more than 122,000 refugees in the national education system. These children and those in their host communities in Uganda will be given the security, hope and opportunity of a quality and inclusive education.

The new program seeks to catalyze US$180 million in aligned funding to meet the overall goals outlined in Uganda’s Refugee and Host Communities Education Response Plan II, the government’s bold and ongoing commitment to child and adolescent inclusion. refugees in their educational system.

The expanded investment builds on the impact of ECW’s first multi-year resilience program in Uganda, which enrolled 240,000 girls and boys in formal and non-formal education, built and rehabilitated 225 classrooms, provided learning materials for nearly 150,000 children, and ensured personalized educational supports for girls, boys with disabilities and students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“At this year’s High-Level Funding Conference, world leaders increased their commitments with US$826 million to ECW. We must harness that support and ensure that quality, inclusive education through humanitarian development coherence in places like Uganda is fully funded. This is an investment in sustainable economic and social development for those furthest behind,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

Uganda hosts more than 1.5 million refugees, with 798,000 refugee children. Since January 2022, there have been more than 84,000 new arrivals in Uganda, mainly from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where ECW also supports educational interventions.

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/education-cannot-wait-renueva-el-programa-de-resiliencia-plurianual-en-uganda-301772813.html