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VILNIUS, Lithuania, Dec. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — It is now possible to save money on your heating bill and stay warm during the cold months. A simple trick for this would be to have a portable personal heater. These small appliances are often affordable, use little electricity, and heat up quickly when needed.

As a general rule, the most efficient personal heaters use a PTC heating element. PTC heaters can maintain the desired temperature and optimize energy consumption. One of these portable heaters is HeaterLux.

Many people opt for this alternative. Turning the heating off completely is not a very exciting option and relying on bulky electric space heaters will probably cost the same as normal district heating or even more. HeaterLux is nothing like that, which is why it is so attractive.

>>> The best HeaterLux deals are here <<<

Why HeaterLux is considered a good portable heater

HeaterLux is incredibly energy efficient. Since it consumes very little energy, it is unlikely to have a substantial impact on your electricity bill. It is also possible to set the thermostat to a lower temperature because HeaterLux would do its job for less.

Another great advantage of HeaterLux is that it is very safe to use. It is made of fire resistant materials. It also has protection against overheating and tipping. This means that HeaterLux will shut itself off if it is dropped or reaches dangerous temperatures. In addition, the HeaterLux heating element is hidden inside the appliance. That’s why the outside never gets dangerously hot.

>>> PROMOTION APPLIES: Only on Official HeaterLux Website <<<

There’s more to this personal heater

HeaterLux is hands down the most visually pleasing small heater when it comes to design. Many people also appreciate that this heater is very light and easy to use. HeaterLux does not require installation, it just needs a stable surface and be plugged into a power source.

Conclusion: HeaterLux could be the best way to save money this winter

A quick rundown of HeaterLux’s best features:

· Profitable

· Energy efficiency

· Safe and easy to use

Stylish and portable

The combination of all this makes HeaterLux a highly desired product on the market. Currently offering a promotional discount, HeaterLux is now available at half its original price. Although stocks are very limited, it is still possible to secure a deal for the winter.

>>> HeaterLux official website here <<<

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/heaterlux-una-solucion-para-ahorrar-dinero-en-calefaccion-este-invierno-301705123.html