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In the fast-paced and changing business landscape, leadership is no longer just about making strategic decisions and managing teams effectively. The digital age has ushered in a new era of leadership, where being a successful boss involves more than just experience in a specific field. Today, open-mindedness, adaptability and willingness are required to harness the potential that technology, particularly artificial intelligence, brings to the game.

Madrid, January 25, 2024.- Digital Leadership is not about being an expert in all digital areas. It is more about being aware of the possibilities, some skill and, above all, a willingness to pursue new opportunities and knowing how to enhance the good qualities of the team. According to Ana Sarmiento, expert in Leadership assessment and development at Kincentric, “the role of the leader in Digital Leadership is as, or even more, crucial than their competence in digital technologies. Their role is to promote a digital culture, to be an agent of change and take advantage of technology to improve the experience of all stakeholders. There are four aspects of Digital Leadership on which any business leadership should be based. 1. Adoption of a digital mindset. Successful leaders are open to learning new tools and techniques, especially when it comes to technology and its applications. They understand that being digitally skilled is a continuous process of adaptation, which never ends. This shift in mindset is crucial to identifying ways in which technology can better connect you with your customers. A digital mindset involves being open to experimentation, accepting failure as part of the learning process, and constantly looking for ways to improve. This mindset is not just about staying up to date with the latest technologies, but also understanding its implications for the business and industry. Leaders must be proactive in exploring new tools and methodologies, allowing them to make informed decisions that align with the digital landscape.2. Promote a digital culture in the team. Leaders play a crucial role in fostering a digital culture within their teams. As authority figures, they have the power to shape the work environment, making it conducive not only to keeping up with the digital world, but to open their arms to it. A digital culture fosters collaboration, creativity, and a willingness to adopt new technologies. Leaders must empower their teams to develop these skills, experiment with potential solutions, and see the growth opportunities these challenges bring.3. Harness the power of data. Today data is at the heart of digital intelligence and leaders must recognize its value to make informed decisions. Even if they don’t analyze the data themselves, they can take advantage of the information it offers about customers, employees, and industry trends. “For many years, decision-making has been a largely intuitive process and this represents a big change. The data that is generated with technology provides evidence to corroborate hunches and choose courses of action based on verifiable information,” says Sarmiento. This, of course, requires a commitment on the part of the leader to understand data analysis and use it to improve processes, customer experience and foster innovation.4. Identify opportunities derived from technology. This is a consequence of applying the three previous points. By transforming their mindset, fostering a digital culture, and mastering the use of data in concrete initiatives, it allows them to identify opportunities for themselves, their teams, and the company. AI, as one of the powerful tools available, can be leveraged to automate routine tasks, analyze large data sets, and uncover insights that may not be evident through traditional methods. Digital leaders can guide their teams to identify areas where AI can drive transformative change, leading to greater efficiency, cost savings, and improvements in decision-making processes. “Artificial Intelligence can contribute a lot to work, but if neither the leader nor the team are willing to consider it as part of the team, to learn how to use it or to take advantage of the results, it will remain a simple topic of conversation for social events “says Ana Sarmiento. In conclusion, becoming a better leader within the company thanks to AI requires a holistic approach to digital leadership. It’s not just about acquiring technical skills, but about cultivating a digital mindset, fostering a digital culture, harnessing the power of data, and using technology to discover new opportunities. The role of the leader is critical in driving these changes, as they set the tone for the organization’s approach to the digital landscape. Embracing these principles will not only make leaders more adaptable to technological advances, but will also position their teams and businesses for sustained success in the digital age. Issuer: Kicentric

Contact Contact name: Ana Sarmiento Contact description: Kincentric Contact phone: 625622722