Madrid, March 28, 2023.

Kubo Legal’s team of lawyers has managed to cancel 10 million euros in debt, helping more than 1,500 families to redirect their financial situation and start a new debt-free life in 2023

Kubo Legal’s team of lawyers has managed to cancel 10 million euros in debts, helping more than 1,500 families to redirect their financial situation and start a new debt-free life in 2023. More than 60 Second Law lawsuits have been filed Opportunity so far this year, achieving 100% success in sentenced cases. The Bankruptcy Law allows individuals or self-employed individuals to be exonerated from paying their debts as long as it is shown that they are insolvent, have acted in good faith and comply with a series of fundamental requirements such as not having previous convictions for socioeconomic crimes, that the amount of the debt does not exceed 5 million euros and not having benefited from this law in the last 5 years. So that any person who has suffered a failure economic personal or business, you have the possibility of starting your life again, without dragging a debt that you will never be able to pay. The Second Chance Law was born with the objective that people over e-indebted can start over, free of financial burdens, without the need to put their assets at risk. Once the process has started, interest is paralyzed and embargoes are suspended. In addition, with the exoneration of debts, you can get off the list of delinquents and obtain new credit cards and access to financing. The process to benefit from the Second Chance Law is complex and it is always advisable to have an expert lawyer in the matter. People who are in a situation of over-indebtedness can request advice without obligation at Kubo Legal. Their expert lawyers in Second Chance will resolve all your doubts without any commitment, informing you of the chances of success in your specific case.

Contact Contact name: Mª Jesús Ambrona Contact description: Mª Jesús Ambrona Contact telephone number: 912912327
