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STOCKHOLM, Feb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Swedish Biofuels AB today announced an investment by Mitsubishi Corporation to jointly accelerate the commercial deployment of clean renewable fuels using Swedish Biofuels’ Advanced Alcohol Jet (ATJ) technology.

This technology produces fully formulated sustainable aviation fuel (FFSAF) from various biogenic feedstocks. Swedish Biofuels FFSAF is different from other SAFs in that it is not a blend component, but genuine ready-to-use aviation fuel. The FFSAF has been successfully tested by engine manufacturers under US DARPA, US FAA and Swedish FMV programmes.

Swedish Biofuels is now leading the way with the world’s first advanced ATJ technology, with the goal of completely replacing fossil fuel for jets with FFSAF.

Dr. Angelica Hull, Managing Director of Swedish Biofuels, stated that the company is honored by the investment decision of Mitsubishi Corporation, which provides an exceptional strategic partnership for Swedish Biofuels, including access to raw materials, sales support, marketing and business operations. With this partnership, the company hopes to accelerate the deployment of its advanced ATJ technology in its domestic market and beyond.

About Mitsubishi Corporation

Mitsubishi Corporation is a global integrated company that develops and operates businesses in virtually all sectors, including natural gas, industrial materials, petroleum and chemical solutions, mineral resources, industrial infrastructure, automotive and mobility, food industry , the consumer industry, energy solutions and urban development.

About Swedish Biofuels

Swedish Biofuels is a Stockholm-based company dedicated to contributing to global security by providing innovative, cutting-edge technology to manufacture high-quality, sustainable, eco-friendly products that meet regulatory mandates and targets.

Swedish Biofuels is the inventor of the original ATJ technology, patented in 2004. Today, the company offers tailor-made solutions for its advanced ATJ technology, with the goal of getting the most out of fuel products for aviation and ground transportation. .



Sal PassanisiHead of Strategic Projects sal@swedishbiofuels.se 46 703 573 800

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