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The technology division of Navantia has reduced the time-to-market of its solutions by deploying the Nutanix hyperconvergence platform, simplifying the incorporation of new programmers to each project

Madrid, January 19, 2024.- Navantia Sistemas, division of the public company responsible for technological development, chose Nutanix with the aim of migrating its technological infrastructure to a modern platform. Navantia is a manufacturer of high-tech vessels for the Spanish Navy and other Navies and employs more than 4,000 people in three locations: Bahía de Cádiz, Cartagena (Region of Murcia) and Ría de Ferrol (A Coruña). “We worked in a Linux environment of ‘bare metal’ servers with inflexible virtualization and the Nutanix hyperconvergence platform completely changed the way of working and managing resources in the organization,” explains Alejandro Cárdenas Romo of Navantia Sistemas. “The products we develop need a shared environment of hardware and services and Nutanix HCI technology is the best solution.” One of the main advantages that Nutanix offers is the freedom to choose any technology provider in the future because it avoids being tied to one manufacturer concrete. The hyperconvergence platform, with which Navantia has been working for more than a year, has meant a huge leap in productivity. As explained in the company, the development work is carried out on-premise in each of the three Navantia headquarters and all share a private development cloud (on-premise). This measure has reduced the number of hours dedicated to each project and time-to-market has been considerably speeded up. “In a couple of days, with the click of a button, project managers make it possible for a new user to work on the development of a product, something that previously could take more than a month,” explains Alejandro Cárdenas. In addition, maintenance of the environment is becoming less, thanks to the automation of tasks. The support and advice of Nutanix pre-sales technicians is another of the aspects that stand out the most from Navantia. The data centers of the three headquarters of the public shipping company are connected. Ferrol became the latest headquarters to adopt this innovative hyperconverged approach in September 2023. The Spanish Navy is the main client of Navantia Sistemas, which has opened the door for the company to work with other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Norway, Australia or the United States, among others. Currently, they develop systems such as SICP, whose main function is to allow the automation, control and supervision of all the ship’s equipment; or they market Hermesys, a solution for internal and external communications based on IP technology. “That one of the world’s leading companies in military technology has chosen Nutanix as its reference partner in innovation fills us with pride. At Navantia they understood very well what the advantages of hyperconvergence were from the beginning and the automation of tasks that they have achieved allows them to dedicate more time to strategic and more valuable tasks for the business”, concludes Jorge Vázquez, general director of Nutanix Iberia. Issuer: Navantia Sistemas

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