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Munich, February 27

Movistar follows closely, Yoigo shows the strongest improvement compared to 2023

The mobile networks of Orange and Vodafone occupy first place in this year’s connect Mobile Network Test Spain, followed by Movistar and Yoigo. The media brand connect and the global independent benchmarking and infrastructure organization umlaut carried out the well-known network test again. Once again, great efforts have been made to classify network operators in Spain through objective and customer-oriented testing procedures. The results show a positive evolution: All providers have improved their results compared to the previous year. Orange and Vodafone are the operators with the best results in Spain. Both obtain the title of ‘Best in Test’ and achieve a score of 897 out of 1,000 possible points and the overall grade ‘notable’. Both operators achieve perfect Call Reliability in the cities of the walking test. Orange offers the shortest call establishment times within cities, while Vodafone provides the best voice results in cities and on the highways. Orange shows the best YouTube performance in walking tests conducted in cities. Vodafone stands out for offering the best voice quality and obtains the best overall score in reliability. Movistar finishes third, just two points behind the two winners, with an overall score of 895 points and the ‘notable’ grade. The operator stands out in Data Services and Crowdsourced Quality, in addition to demonstrating the highest Data Performance in cities and roads. In addition, Movistar leads the crowdsourcing Speed ​​and Latency category. Yoigo obtains 847 points and the overall grade ‘good’. The operator increased its score by 34 points compared to the previous year, which is the largest improvement of all the operators analyzed. Yoigo demonstrates great results, particularly in the Data category and together with Orange leads the highest share of samples collected with 5G, exceeding 85% in cities. Hannes Ruegheimer, editor of Connect magazine, has stated the following: “Congratulations to Orange and Vodafone for having won our Mobile Network Test 2024 in Spain. Our results reflect a very positive trend: Compared to last year, all operators have improved their results. Yoigo was the one that increased its score the most. It is good news for Spanish mobile communications customers.”The driving and walking tests were carried out in late January and early February 2024 in urban centers, in outer metropolitan areas, in suburban areas, in small towns and cities located along road. Four test cars traveled through 20 cities and 23 towns, covering a total of 11,490 kilometers. The selected areas covered around 12.8 million people, approximately 27% of Spain’s population. The crowdsourced analyzes are based on 5.6 billion samples from 1.3 million users collected from mid-August 2023 to end of January 2024. They represent approximately 99% of the built area in Spain and statistically cover 99.8% of the Spanish population. The results of all three tests were comprehensively weighted to achieve a realistic and conclusive assessment of the potential and performance of each network. Connect’s independent mobile network tests, led by umlaut, offer a fair, transparent and unbiased evaluation and comparative network functions for both consumers and the management and boards of directors of mobile network operators. This analysis was first carried out in Germany more than 20 years ago and has since been extended to Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In fact, it has become a benchmark in the sector to determine the quality of networks from the customer’s point of view.

Contact Contact name: Bettina Leutner Contact description: CREAM COMMUNICATION Contact phone: 49 40 401 131 010