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Paris restaurant Plénitude revealed as winner of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Art of Hospitality Award 2024

Announced for the first time ahead of the awards ceremony, the award seeks to help raise the profile of the art of hospitality

LONDON, April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Parisian restaurant Plénitude has received the Art of Hospitality Award 2024 from The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, ahead of the official ceremony in Las Vegas in June.

Located on the first floor of the Cheval Blanc Paris in the French capital, chef Arnaud Donckele and director Alexandre Larvoir have created at Plénitude an ode to the tradition of fine French dining, dedicating two years to choosing the tableware, the artisans, the ceramists and fabrics that help create the intimate atmosphere of the restaurant. With only 30 covers, every detail offers an intimate experience to its guests, complemented by the restaurant’s characteristic French elegance.

Chef Donckele, born in Normandy and who also runs the fine dining restaurant Cheval Blanc Saint-Tropez, La Vague d’Or, has taken on the role of master perfumer in his creations to make sauces, known as the essence of French cuisine . In his hands, each of the sauces are treated like a perfume or liquid paint, created in such a way that these are the protagonists, while the meat and fish are complements. Under Larvoir’s leadership, the restaurant’s impeccable service team knows Donckele’s creations intimately and conveys their essence to guests who walk through the doors of Cheval Blanc Paris, which ranked No.34 in The World’s 50 Best Hotels 2023 .

William Drew, Chief Content Officer of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, commented: “We are delighted to announce that Plénitude is the winner of this year’s Art of Hospitality Award. Despite its relative youth, this Parisian restaurant has made a splash on the scene. world gastronomy for its impeccable and inventive approach, which celebrates the art of service and shows the world that French hospitality continues to shine at the top of the sector.

Chef Donckele noted: “Give yourself the pleasure of giving pleasure.” Larvoir added: “At Plénitude, service is a wonderful encounter at every table. We seek to welcome our guests as if they were at home, discover and understand them, captivate and move them thanks to Arnaud’s fabulous sauces, make them laugh too, before saying goodbye with the most sincere wish to see you again soon.

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