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The company has secured 7.6 acres in Alcobendas with a development plan to deliver a 26,000 square meter, 40 megawatt hyperscale data center.

MADRID, May 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Prime, a global provider of wholesale and hyperscale data centers, today announced plans to develop a 26,000 square meter data center in Madrid, Spain. The company has secured 7.6 acres in Alcobendas with the plan to develop a facility that will be able to supply 40 megawatts of critical energy. Alcobendas is the largest data center ecosystem in the country with 41 percent of live colocation energy consumption. Prime Madrid will be developed in line with customer demand and address hyperscale cloud and artificial intelligence power density requirements.

“With 44 megawatts of consumption in 2023, the energy challenges that limit the FLAPD markets and the information governance that requires the presence of data centers in the country, it is clear that Madrid is prepared for strong growth in the foreseeable future” said Nicholas Laag, founder and CEO of Prime Data Centers. “Alcobendas is an ideal location for Prime’s first data center in Madrid with an established ecosystem that offers easy access to fiber and a qualified, experienced workforce.”

Prime selected Madrid for its latest expansion due to the market’s strong hyperscale demand base, which accounted for approximately 74% of 2023 adoption in self-build and colocation data centers. Additionally, Madrid’s central location serves a large population base while also acting as the network’s main relay point for the coastal regions and Portugal. Prime Madrid will be located on Calle de la Pedriza 1, Alcobendas, very close to local Internet exchange points to optimize customers’ networks.

“Having spent the last twenty-five years in Madrid, it is encouraging to see that the hard work and preparation undertaken by so many local stakeholders results in a willingness to capitalize on the recent surge in demand,” said Michael Wall, senior vice president of Development and Construction for Prime in Europe. “Prime believes this strong foundation will support data center growth in Madrid, further validating its place alongside Europe’s most influential digital infrastructure markets. We are excited to contribute to this success story.”

Prime’s three-plus gigawatt roadmap now includes 22 owned and optioned locations in the United States and Europe, as well as many others in active due diligence. Recent announcements include nearly 500 megawatts in Denmark, Phoenix and Chicago. Prime also projects to open its partially pre-leased data center in Los Angeles in October 2024.

Visit primedatacenters.com/madrid-data-centers for more information.

About PrimePrime is an international provider of wholesale and hyperscale data centers. Data-driven organizations such as cloud, AI, and enterprise providers choose Prime for efficiently designed, scalable data centers that help them advance, defend, and achieve their technology and sustainability goals. At its core, Prime’s mission is to be the go-to infrastructure solutions partner for its customer base. With a roadmap of more than three gigawatts of power capacity spread across established and emerging markets, Prime will be the next place where our customers will need to grow.

Prime | Data Driven. Síganos online: primedatacenters.com – LinkedIn

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/prime-data-centers-anuncia-planes-para-un-centro-de-datos-de-40-mw-en-madrid-302153148.html