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The number of companies dedicated to marketing and advertising has risen by 5.2% in the last year to reach 42,971 according to data from the Observatory of Advertising in Spain. A not insignificant number and increase that has been favored by teleworking, training in new technologies and the need to reinvent themselves that many professionals have had after the pandemic

Madrid, December 5, 2022.- But not everything is good news. After a talk with Miguel Angel Manrique Ordax, CTO of the first community of digital marketing agencies (SERSEO) and with its Director of Expansion, Alfredo Fernández. You may be aware of how ephemeral these types of emerging businesses can be. The two digital marketing experts estimate that more than half of small digital marketing agencies will disappear in the next few years, some even within months.

According to Manrique: “Running a company in this country is becoming increasingly complicated. In the case of a digital marketing agency, even if the entry barriers are low: a computer, a mobile phone, a connection, registration of freelancers and a website they seem to be enough. The truth is that it is not like that. Creating the agency that way is a failure 99% of the time.”

And it is that finding economies of scale to achieve a stable and healthy company is increasingly difficult, if you act like a “lone wolf”. The growing difficulty in the disciplines of digital marketing, the sustained increase in the cost of the necessary tools to carry out different strategies; the loneliness of working individually or the number of hours that a single professional must work to serve all their clients. It shows a black panorama to face the adventure alone.

“To these usual tensions in any small company, must be added the growing tax pressure, growing business obligations, and the uncertainty caused in the sector by the disastrous side effect of KitDigital that is killing an entire sector of small digitizing agents failing to meet expectations and cash flows due to the huge administrative burden and payment schedules”, continues Manrique. “It seems that these are just some of the reasons why agencies trying to break into the industry fail and end up being buried by all the difficulties that lie along the way,” he concludes.

In the first community of digital marketing agencies, they are aware of the problems of these professionals and are not willing for talents like theirs to be relegated to dedicating themselves to another activity due to lack of means. For this reason, the community, which already has 30 agencies in Spain and Latin America, has launched a high-performance program with the aim of keeping some of the agencies that have proliferated in recent times afloat.

And it is that the training to carry out an agency with efficiency and profitability is essential to ensure that the project goes ahead. It is useless to be an expert in some aspects of digital marketing when the rest of the strategies are understood rather little. “The free courses and tutorials that we find on the internet are useful but they do not transform a professional into someone who is an expert in all the actions that are necessary to carry out a digital marketing strategy. A team is needed whose members are specialists in each area “says the Director of Expansion.

Therefore, the SERSEO training process is a high-performance program. An 8-week process that aims to expand your community of agencies, while offering the new associate the ability to make their own agency profitable thanks to the infrastructure provided by the community.

Knowledge management system, mentoring sessions, technical support and a team of more than 50 freelancers working to finally have the necessary support to cover all the client’s needs in terms of digital marketing. That means belonging to the community of agencies.

Every three months, five places are opened for new agencies that wish to join their community. Not all agencies that request access to one of these places get it. And it is that in the community of agencies they are clear about what they are looking for: professionals who are passionate about digital marketing, with knowledge in the field and who finally want to see how their agency is profitable. A community created by professionals, for professionals and that grows with other professionals.

According to its Expansion Director “the benefit of being an associated agency is that we manage to minimize all the fears and risks that an agency made up of a single person faces. Being an associated agency means having all the benefits of a large company but also the responsibility that the clients belong to each one and that everything that is done has an impact on the community of agencies The partner agency does not have to worry about attracting clients, the brand, digital visibility, infrastructure, tools, resources and hosting, technical support… Just apply yourself to your passion: digital marketing”.

When experts start their high performance program they learn, but they also unlearn some of their work systems. And it is that the agency community offers its own method that is the basis of how consultants should proceed with all their clients. A method that they have been testing and perfecting for more than 25 years and that has led them to achieve the success and stability they enjoy today.

Once the high performance program has been passed, and even a little earlier, new agencies begin to receive qualified leads to start applying the three-step method with them. Thus offering a 360º digital marketing service at the same time that they have their agency under control and are part of a great community.

Currently, there are few businesses that survive in this sector individually, so solutions such as those offered by this high-performance program are very appropriate for all those professionals who seek professional support without duplicity, false promises or suffocating quotas.



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