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Madrid, January 31, 2023.

Crearte Consulting uses digitization and social networks to connect companies with the best candidates in the market in just seven days (including IT profiles).

Crearte Consulting, a company specialized in Nethunting, was born in 2018 with a clear premise: to help companies and candidates find each other. With an unstable labor market, it is not surprising that new business models and entrepreneurs want to change the current talent recruitment processes. Its two founders, Hector Delgado and Susana González, are experts in human resources and IT consulting, with extensive experience in management positions, and decided to found this start-up when they saw deficiencies in the traditional personnel selection system.Currently in Spain , as indicated by the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (Cepyme), companies cannot find talent and there are more than 100,000 unfilled vacancies in most sectors. Given these employability data, they found it necessary to find a solution that was, above all, agile for both parties involved. What makes them different? Three main factors: the digitization of processes, being nethunters specialized in finding talent within a maximum period of seven days, and becoming partners of companies.”We have two clients: the company that needs talent and the candidates. We take care of both equally. And the third leg that supports the entire process is our workforce, whom we take better care of than ourselves. We offer a 100% flexible work model and involve our team throughout the process, from start to finish “, tells Héctor Delgado, co-founder and expert nethunter. The Crearte Method: how to bring talent to companies in record time Both for companies that have started to implement new technologies in their daily functions and processes, and for those that have continued governed by more hermetic processes, the Crearte Method developed by these two entrepreneurs has a main utility: delegating a selection process, which for many companies becomes go long and tedious, in Nethunting professionals. “Time is a precious and scarce commodity. That is why companies are taking the step of outsourcing recruitment processes with Crearte, obtaining greater efficiency in costs and time than if they resorted to the traditional selection format. Our values ​​─transparency, innovation , quality and agility─ are the basis of our commitment to our clients, candidates and collaborators; we believe in them and they are our daily objective to follow”, indicates Susana González, co-founder of Crearte.Both founders agree that immediacy is a factor that has gained relevance in the processes: “The Internet is a world where everything moves faster and where the first to arrive keeps the best talent”. Faced with this situation, they realized that many processes were led by the number of candidates and not by their quality, which is why they promote their own selection method based on digitization: “nethunters know social and professional networks, and they know how to get the best performance from them, locating the candidate and presenting him to the company as soon as possible”, explains Héctor Delgado. In their case, they also go one step further, guaranteeing valid candidates within seven days, something differentiating for companies that urgently need talent. Right now, while they continue to do Nethunting through professional digital platforms, they work in the evolution of a digital platform that connects recruiters with candidates and clients, ensuring that all parties have all the relevant information in real time.

Contact Contact name: Susana González Contact description: Susana González Contact telephone number: 34 648260047