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In the fifth episode of the animated series “GOODBYE PRINCESS,” Aunt Lee (Tia Lee Yu Fen), a global Asian fashion icon, C-pop singer, and film and TV actress, takes a bite of the apple offered by the magic mirror. This returns her to the depths of the sea and, thus, to the beginning of her journey. Was it all a dream?

The 6 episode series is coming to an end. Stay tuned as the plot tests your imagination. Viewing figures for the animated series and motion pictures of the “GOODBYE PRINCESS” music video pre-launch campaign have reached new heights, with nearly 90 million views to date. The prince kneels before the princess to declare his love for her, in the fifth episode, “Temptation Apple», both are seen dancing inside the palace. She looks out the window for a moment and discovers that the glowing light that has drawn her into this adventure is getting further and further away. Alone, without the prince, she runs down the spiral staircase of the palace. The staircase leads her to a room where a magic mirror awaits her. It reflects her “former life” as a carefree mermaid swimming happily in the ocean. Then, the magic mirror hands her an apple and she, without hesitating for a second, takes a bite. The handsome prince, who has tried to s follow her, he doesn’t arrive in time to stop her. When the princess reopens her eyes, she finds that she has returned to the depths of the ocean. On television, the image of the handsome prince is seen holding the unconscious princess in his arms and trying to revive her with the kiss of life. Later, the poster of “Temptation Apple”, released on November 26, revealed Tia’s followers more things about this episode:1. The magic mirror that always tells the truth appears, reconnecting Tia with reality.2. The bite of the apple changes the life of the princess. For better or for worse, it is her own decision .3. When the princess returns to the scene of the first episode, in the depths of the sea and next to the old television… has everything she has lived been a dream? The fifth set of moving images and still photography for “Temptation Apple” has been published today with Vogue Hong Kong. In these images, Tia appears in Prakakaas’s corset and her Poem skirt, looking curiously into the magic mirror. Will the princess wake up with the handsome prince’s kiss of life? The animation series “GOODBYE PRINCESS” is sure to have an unexpected ending.Official Press Materials: Animation series “GOODBYE PRINCESS” Episode 5: https://youtu.be/FWHHBO3yL4I “Goodbye Princess” episode 5 poster : https://www.instagram.com/p/Claj4s2P-ih/ https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=686… (for download)Still image from “GOODBYE PRINCESS” episode 5 : https://www.instagram.com/p/ClfwyiVu5bC/… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=691… (for download)Moving image of episode 5 of “GOODBYE PRINCESS”: https://youtu.be/9Lk-amx1NUw ROLLACOASTER UK cover: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUA1Swtnyk/… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid= 688… (for download)Vogue Hong Kong Cover「The Voice」: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck7_neKsh_w/… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid= 681… (for download) Tia Lee Official Channels: Instagram @leeyufen: https://www.instagram.com/leeyufen/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tialeeofficial/.. .Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeyufentialee/…Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/1396928042/About Tia Lee Yu Fen: Tia Lee Yu Fen (李毓芬), born in Taipei , is an Asian C-pop singer, film and television actress, and model. In addition to her acting roles and her music career, Tia often appears at major fashion events. As a fashion icon and trendsetter, Tia has graced the covers of fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire and shares her beauty and fashion tips through various Vogue social media channels. .

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