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SYDNEY, Dec. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — SIDUS GATES unveiled its new mobile game Xenna, the first real-time strategy battle royale game, in Dubai on December 14. Also, it was broadcast live.

The highlight of the event was a Xenna tournament where guests were able to enjoy Xenna’s fast-paced and rewarding gameplay as they competed for a $100,000 NFT prize. All the participants got special NFT facilities used to mine resources in the game. VC Funds, which won the competition, got 3 of the 10 legendary refineries.

Both facilities and refineries are crucial to producing fuel for interplanetary travel through the SIDUS metaverse and can be achieved in CBT and OBT tournaments.

To introduce Xenna in these early stages, an NFT hero will be needed. Only 6,500 NFT Heroes Will Be Offered Via Whitelisting During The Dutch Auction In December

Praised by professional cyber-athletes and non-gamers alike, Xenna created a precedent for P2E gaming that sits at the crossroads of the worlds of cryptocurrency and esports. Also, it does not rely on paid advertising to attract a wide audience.

This is yet another step in the Sidus metaverse expansion plans that are in line with the official strategy of the Dubai metaverse, which aims to invest $4 billion of the country’s GDP over 5 years to make Dubai a top 10 metaverse economies of the world.

The first Battle Royale RTS: Xenna

Xenna is published by SIDUS GATES, a unique game publisher that brings game studios and their projects into the SIDUS metaverse. All games are bound by tradition and use native $SIDUS and $SENATE tokens. Players will be able to move NFTs and their progress across all games in the metaverse.

“We have pioneered a unique model that allows players to co-own the SIDUS metaverse. SIDUS is all about tight-knit and mutually fruitful economic and social relationships, and this is what makes it a potential model of the true metaverse.” said SIDUS GATES CEO Roman Povolotski. “It’s great to see the success of this model. To share our joy with those who didn’t make it to the event, we decided to give away 50 NFTs to boost their progress in the game. Maybe this will help cyber-athletes recover after their loss.”

To enter the NFT giveaway, please fill out this form.

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Media contact: Vlad Grinteam@sidusheroes.co 375 29 261 4875

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1970500…

View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vc-funds-vence-a-cyber-athletes-30-en-el-primer-torneo-xenna-sidus-gates-expande-el-metaverso-301708282.html