(Information sent by the signatory company)

VERMUT, the social network for people over 55, has just announced the new AI-based tools that it has incorporated into its APP to improve and facilitate the social life of its users.

With an innovative and technological approach since it began its activity 4 years ago, VERMUT has proposed that non-digital natives can take advantage of a whole world of opportunities that AI offers to combat loneliness and the fear of aging that this segment of The population, increasingly larger, suffers in a high percentage.

To this end, AI provides great added value both now and for the future. In the short term, it improves the ability of the tools offered by the application to find users with the same interests, similar tastes and located in a specific area, which will allow an initial contact through a chat to later translate into a friendship, a meeting in a group or participating in a common activity.

But this is only the first step, since in the medium term many other functionalities will arrive that the VERMUT APP will incorporate to improve the user experience, such as recommending plans, products or services that adapt to their preferences, based on their characteristics. and personal tastes and in the history of the activity that the user has developed within the community.

To use Vertmuapp’s new AI-based tools, users will only have to download the new free version through the PlayStore or App Store, where they can identify it with the characteristic maroon olive icon.

VERMUT thus shows once again its commitment to leading the agetech segment in Spain, applying technology in an easy and intuitive way to the world of leisure and friendship, putting the user at the center and always thinking about offering them what best suits them. adapts to your profile and your needs.

The VERMUT app is operational throughout the Spanish territory and has a customer service department well above the average to which older adults are accustomed, putting them in contact with a real person at the center, who is operational 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and which you can contact to ask any questions or incidents.

More information: https://www.vermutapp.com