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The Cabildo de Gran Canaria analyzes the effects of democracy on “things to eat” to open a reflection on political disaffection or authoritarianism with popular faces who will cook and discuss the present of democracy with famous chefs. The offer is completed with the Annual Conference on Democracy and Citizenship in its sixth edition

The Cabildo de Gran Canaria, through the Citizen Participation Department, launches Cocinando Democracia, a unique political debate event on politics, democracy and citizen participation. The event will take place next Friday, December 2 at 9:30 in the Central Market of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In a daily tone and in the relaxed atmosphere of the kitchens, four popular faces act as chatterboxes together with two well-known chefs from the Canary Islands, while they address issues such as political disaffection, authoritarianism, citizen access to information and public decisions or the real incidence of politics in solving people’s daily problems. This activity is part of the sixth edition of the Annual Conference on Democracy and Citizenship. Antonio Morales, president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, pointed out that “democracy requires good chefs who know how to cook it over low heat. With populism, disaffection and the chronification of poverty, the resulting dish pleases fewer and fewer people,” he said. Sitapha Savané, former basketball player and current president of C.B. Gran Canaria, who will be one of the members of ‘Cooking Democracy’. Savané appreciated that, for him, “politics is a tool for solving problems and for participation. When I played they told me a lot about not mixing politics and sports, but I always said that before being an athlete I am a citizen”, he argued. During the presentation, the development of the event was also dissected. This is an initiative in which, together with the chefs Marcos Tavío and Richard Díaz Aguilar, Carla Antonelli, activist and first trans woman to be a deputy in the Spanish State, will talk, Vicky Rosell, magistrate and government delegate against Gender Violence , in addition to the aforementioned Antonio Morales and Sitapha Savané. All this with the casual leadership of the popular actress and comedian Yanely Hernández. The dynamics consists of the preparation of two dishes by each one of the chefs while they talk, in half-hour shifts for each dish, with a kitchen assistant, discussing politics and democracy, but in a key of proximity and in an everyday space such as a kitchen. With this act, the initiative of the Cabildo intends to reflect on the central aspects of democracy, but explained in plain and colloquial language. The big question that transcends is whether politics can solve the things of eating, those that affect our quality of life and well-being that, in a context of chronic poverty and social inequality, is generating greater disaffection, political delegitimization and the appearance of reactionary populisms. VI Annual Conference on Democracy and Citizenship The meeting organized by the Directorate of Citizen Participation was also presented, under the slogan VI Annual Conference on Democracy and Citizenship, a consolidated event on the agenda of events on politics and democracy on the islands. This year’s title is Democracy, or things to eat?, a calm reflection with experts on political disinterest, the population’s access to political information or authoritarianism with involutionist recipes masked for change. The conference takes place on Friday, December 2 from 6:00 p.m. in the Patio del Cabildo de Gran Canaria. The institutional presentation is given by Antonio Morales Méndez, president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, and Jorge Pérez Artiles, director of Citizen Participation of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Next, the journalist Eduardo Araujo Betancor will moderate a conversation with two authorized voices, in a colloquium in which Joaquim Brugué i Torruela, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Girona, will participate. Brugué has developed his teaching and research activity in the fields of public management, local government, citizen participation and the analysis of public policies. Between 2003 and 2008 he was general director of Citizen Participation of the Department of Institutional Relations and Participation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, so he also speaks from his experience in public management. On the other hand, Cristina Monge Lasierra, sociologist and political scientist specializing in social movements, climate emergency and ecological transition, will also intervene. Monge wrote her doctoral thesis on the 15-M movement. She currently works as a political analyst, is coordinator of Energy Transition in Public Agenda and chairs the Democracy platform.

Contact Contact name: Raúl Vega Contact description: Raúl Vega Contact telephone number: 928915133