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December 3, International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Zucchetti Spain, in its commitment to the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities in the world of work, once again supports the Adecco Foundation in its awareness campaign on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Bilbao, 12/5/2022.- On December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities has been celebrated, which this year takes on a special meaning, as this year commemorates the 40th anniversary of the approval of the then Social Integration Law of the Disabled (LISMI), today the General Law on the rights of people with disabilities and their social inclusion. This regulation recognized for the first time the labor rights of people with disabilities, requiring companies with more than 50 workers to incorporate at least 2% of professionals with disabilities.

Since then, there have been many achievements regarding the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, but there are also many challenges ahead. “If in a crisis scenario like that of the early 1980s, then LISMI achieved the support of all political forces, 40 years later, the time has come to shore up this social consensus and align the vision of Public Administrations, companies and society with the firm intention of eradicating the anachronistic beliefs that continue to weigh down equal opportunities for people with disabilities and that become barriers, sometimes insurmountable, to access to stable employment”, says Francisco Mesonero, general director of the Adecco Foundation .

The crisis of the 40: the awareness campaign that invites to action

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and with the support of more than 230 committed companies, the Adecco Foundation has developed the awareness campaign “The crisis of 40”, led by Pablo Pineda, the first European graduate with Down syndrome and ambassador of the Adecco Foundation and Lola Robles, an actress with a visual disability, in which a parallel is made between the disability law and the well-known “40-year crisis”.

“When we reach 40 years of age, we take stock of what we have experienced, we question ourselves on a personal level and we set new goals and purposes for the future. We want to carry out this same exercise but applied to the disability law, which is also four decades old and reaches their maturity. It is a time to celebrate how much we have achieved but also to be self-critical and take regulation to a higher level. I think that at this point it is essential that companies understand that hiring people with disabilities is not philanthropy, but a necessary commitment to talent and competitiveness in a diverse environment in which we contribute many values ​​and skills such as effort, sacrifice or motivation”, highlights Pablo Pineda.

Zucchetti Spain, committed to the integration of people with disabilities in the company

Zucchetti Spain has maintained a firm commitment to the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities in the world of work for years. Aware that it is everyone’s responsibility to promote real integration in which diversity brings talent to the company, the software manufacturer collaborates for another year with the Adecco Foundation on the occasion of International Diversity Day, supporting its awareness campaign and participating in training workshops aimed at providing people with disabilities with tools that facilitate their access to a job.

Disability and major milestones, 4 decades later

The last 40 years have witnessed a steady succession of social and legislative advances:

• United Nations proclaims the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

• Alternative measures to the law are approved to make it easier for companies to comply with them.

• 2006: International Convention of Persons with Disabilities.

• Reserve 2% of public employment offers for people with intellectual disabilities.

• Harmonization of all legal regulations, with the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.

• Universal suffrage: end of the term “diminished”, judicial incapacitation and forced sterilization.

• Implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, at the business center of gravity.

Disability and employment: great challenges for the future

According to the report “The 40th anniversary of the LISMI – today LGD”, 40 years after the approval of the LISMI, only 26% of the companies with more than 50 employees have incorporated the 2% of workers with disabilities required by law. Much work remains ahead:

• Stimulate the training of people with disabilities and their access to higher education.

• Bring Vocational Training closer to young people with disabilities.

• Promote the activity rate of disabled people

• Accelerate the penetration of people with disabilities in ordinary companies and consolidate the model of the Special Employment Center.

• Strengthen public-private collaboration and active employment policies

• Create national strategies for labor inclusion, with a focus on people with serious disabilities and mental health problems.

• Consolidate the “Inclusion Journey” in companies that go beyond recruitment and give way to labor inclusion.

About the Zucchetti Group

With 40 years of history, a turnover of 1.3 billion euros in 2021 (proforma), more than 700,000 customers, 8,000 employees, 1,650 distributors in Italy and another 350 internationally, the Zucchetti Group is one of the leading software manufacturers for Europe and the first Italian software company since 2006 (IDC Italy Top5 IT ranking).

It is present in more than 30 cities in Italy and in 11 countries, an expansion project in constant growth.

Zucchetti in Spain

The Zucchetti Group is there; present in Spain through Zucchetti Spain. With almost 40 years of experience, it is a point of reference in the IT sector in our country, with 300 employees and a partner channel of 300 certified professionals, €20 million in turnover and more than 4,000 clients.

It has the largest catalog of IT solutions on the market by adding to those developed in Spain, the portfolio of software and hardware solutions of the Zucchetti Group. Its HR management software solutions, mobility and payroll, business management ERP-CRM, MES, BI, POS software for the HORECA channel and retail trade, software for consultancies and office management, management solutions for work spaces, programming and production planning, cybersecurity solutions and software and hardware for access control and security.

Zucchetti Spain maintains a firm commitment to innovation, with local I D i centers, the support of 2,000 experts in this area of ​​the Zucchetti Group, and important recognitions: in 2022, “Innovation Award” (XXXIII Leaders Awards for Business Excellence), and in 2021 “Software Development Innovation Award” (European Association of Economy and Competitiveness).


Contact name: JOSEBA FINEZ

Contact description: Marketing Director of Zucchetti Spain

Contact phone: 944271362