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SHANGHAI, May 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Angel Yeast, (SH600298), the world’s leading yeast manufacturer, recently participated in Egypt’s national celebration of International Workers’ Day 2024. This important event was marked by the presence of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who extended invitations to industry workers, employees and investors recognized for their positive contributions to the Egyptian economy.

“We are very honored to be invited to the grand celebration and sincerely appreciate the recognition and support from Angel Yeast. Angel Yeast has always been committed to cultivation and development in the Egyptian market, not only providing high-quality yeast products to meet the market demand needs, but also promoting technological innovation and industry transformation Meanwhile, Angel Yeast Egypt also attaches great importance to creating local employment opportunities, improving skill level and income. of local workers and actively participating in social welfare initiatives to make contributions to local communities,” said Liu Jun, CEO of Angel Yeast Egypt.

Boost investment to expand in the Egyptian market

Since 2010, Angel Yeast has gradually increased investment in Egypt and expanded its local operations. The company currently employs more than 900 local workers, including 56 Egyptian supervisors and 14 key employees who supervise the districts, and has achieved a high degree of localization in terms of daily management operations.

Angel Yeast is looking to create more employment opportunities and support local government, and plans to employ more than 1,000 local staff when its 20,000 tonnes per year yeast production expansion project comes online.

Promoting the green circular economy and environmental governance

Angel Yeast Egypt is actively building circular economy models and promoting local agricultural development. It is using Egypt’s abundant molasses to improve sustainable production, converting molasses byproducts into valuable resources, while wastewater generated during the yeast manufacturing process is treated to become organic fertilizer, which is then It is sold to reinforce the local agricultural sector.

Environmental conservation is a top priority and a key strategy in Angel Yeast’s sustainable development roadmap. The company aims to achieve integrated and coordinated development with communities and actively fulfill its corporate social responsibilities.

“Angel Yeast aims to promote sustainable development and engage more people to take action and build a greener future for all,” Liu said.

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/angel-yeast-participa-en-el-dia-internacional-de-los-trabajadores-de-egipto-impulsando-el-compromiso-local-302141554.html