– Xinhua Silk Road: Guangzhou’s Nansha district deepens boosting climate finance for high-quality, green development

BEIJING, Nov. 22, 2023/PRNewswire/ — Nansha, a coastal area located at the southern tip of southern China’s economic hub Guangzhou, is striving to strengthen climate finance to further enable its green and high-quality economic development. quality.

During a thematic forum at the recently held Pearl Bay International Climate Finance and Investment Conference (PBCIFC) 2023, Nansha further presented to the world how the pilot climate finance and investment locality worked to create an international climate finance hub.

Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the pilot initiative for climate-related investment and financial activities, Nansha, the only pilot locality promoted by both environmental and financial regulators, is making every effort to promote climate investment and innovation in rules and regulations. financing mechanisms now, Liao Xiaosheng explained. head of the financial work office of Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Climate finance is a typical part of green finance mentioned at China’s central financial work meeting held in early November as one of the five sub-sectors prioritized to build a financial powerhouse.

Taking advantage of preferential policies that also include the General Plan for Deepening Open-World Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, the district has grown to become one of the most vibrant and open-platform areas in China. .

In addition to industries related to automobiles, ships, artificial intelligence, and rockets, finance in Nansha also experienced flourishing development and became one of its five pillar industries.

The district was home to nearly 7,000 financial companies from 23 sub-sectors and a quarter of them are innovative financial institutions with related financial licenses.

For example, more than 1,800 local private equity funds manage a total of more than 800 billion yuan in assets today, and free trade accounts opened by local companies account for nearly 70% of the comparable total of the Zone Pilot Project. Free Trade Association of China (Guangdong).

In addition, more than 80 financial innovation programs have been launched in Nansha, which was also approved to pilot the high-level opening of cross-border trade and investment in early 2022.

Under the strong environment to boost climate finance, Nansha will further leverage the development of climate finance and expand the demonstration of climate finance pilot work to enable high-quality and green development of the local economy, Liao added.

To invest in Nansha, please contact Olivia Gui at the PBCIFC secretariat. (gwx1212olivia@outlook.com)

Enlace original: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/337284.html

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2283515/Nansha.jpg

View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/el-distrito-nansha-de-guangzhou-profundiza-en-impulsar-la-financiacion-climatica-para-un-desarrollo-verde-301996136.html