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Madrid, January 4

Allianz Partners analyzes the results of the purchase of Travel Insurance during the last month of 2022, revealing that during the Christmas season consumers contracted this product, to a greater extent, for international destinations outside of Europe

During the first post-pandemic Christmas, according to data published by Hosteltur, international destinations once again gained prominence among Spaniards, with the most popular cities being Rome, London, Paris, Andorra, and outside of Europe, New York. In this context, Allianz Partners has analyzed the results of the contracting of its travel insurance during this season, highlighting that 30% of the policies of this type were contracted by clients whose destination was a European city, while 54 % corresponds to other international destinations outside the continent. According to the leading Travel Insurance company, the data obtained during the last month of 2022 are comparable to the levels recorded in 2019. However, the trend of ‘feeling safe’ in the face of possible unforeseen events continues to rise. People want to continue traveling, although now, contemplating possible risks. Regarding the data handled by the entity, compared to December 2019, Allianz Partners has registered a 21% increase in the purchase of travel insurance during the same period last year. An increase that is also reflected when comparing 2019 as a whole with 2022, in which 37% more sales of this type of insurance were registered. These data suggest that, as expected, the recovery of the Tourism sector and confidence in travel is getting closer to pre-Covid-19 levels. In this sense, the latest ‘World Tourism Barometer’, published by the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization and of which Allianz Partners is an adherent member) already indicated that by the end of 2022 international tourism would reach 65% of the levels prior to the pandemic, with Europe being the leader of this rebound reached for September, 81%. “It is very gratifying to see how, with the passage of time, we return to values ​​prior to the pandemic in the Travel sector. This confidence in international destinations, supported by products such as travel insurance, is the result of the sustained effort that our company has been making. sector in recent years”, says Andrés Sánchez Cid, Travel Product Manager at Allianz Partners Spain, who adds: “We still have a lot to do, we know that our job is to facilitate and streamline our services so that decision-making by of our clients is simple and they can worry about what really matters: enjoying”.

Contact Contact name: Beatriz Toribio Contact telephone number: 34 639 269 253