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Madrid, March 2, 2023.

The global digital accelerator, which has been working with Madrid Digital for more than nine years, has designed two technological solutions to promote the transformation of the Public Administration in the capital

In the race towards digital transformation, the Administration of the Community of Madrid has the goal of becoming the main benchmark for the provision of digital public services. To do this, this organization seeks to promote resource management, technological innovation and change management through different services, products and platforms that help citizens and companies to solve their needs easily, safely and effectively. In search of digital alternatives that achieve these objectives, NEORIS, the global digital accelerator with more than 22 years of experience, has recently developed two technological projects for Madrid Digital, the organization responsible for the Digital Administration of the Community of Madrid, which allow streamlining the management of subsidies from the capital and improve the quality of life of citizens. The “Subsidies Platform”, developed by NEORIS, unifies the management of the administrative procedures for applying for aid published by the Community of Madrid. This system is based on three foundations: 1. It provides a common management framework for all grant administrative procedures through a catalog of phases in the files and a series of parameterizable components.2. Minimizes the tasks of administrative managers by automating processes in the processing of files.3. It enables the implementation of administrative procedures for requesting subsidies through parameterization, without the need for specific developments.”We have been working with Madrid Digital for more than nine years to promote the transformation of the Community of Madrid. For us it is a privilege to be a key digitization provider and provide value to improve the service to citizens”, explains Miguel Acero, director of Telecommunications, Media and Public Sector at NEORIS. To promote care for the environment, these two entities have also developed an application that offers citizens information about the air quality of any point in their city and allows them to know the movement restrictions in force, so that they can easily organize their daily activities. ‘Madrid Air Quality’, which has been available for both Android and iOS since the beginning of October, is a very simple and intuitive application that allows access to information through four different functional searches:1. Consultation of the air quality index – Provides information based on the data offered by the existing networks in the Community of Madrid. To do this, it shows a map with different colors that indicate the air quality in each case.2. Nearest station – The application geolocates the citizen and offers them information on the air quality of the evaluation station closest to their location. Currently, the Community of Madrid has 24 evaluation stations distributed in different urban and rural areas.3. Circulation restrictions – Provides data on the existence of circulation restrictions in a specific municipality or neighborhood, and depending on the type of sticker the vehicle has.4. Forecast for the next 24/48 hours – Includes several parameters – SO2, NO2, PM2.5, PM10 and O2 –, through which you can get the forecast up to two days before and in animated GIF format.”In a scope With regulations as changing as pollution, giving citizens valuable, reliable information in advance is essential for the correct implementation of the corresponding measures,” concludes Miguel. About NEORIS NEORIS is a global digital accelerator with more than 22 years of experience that creates disruptive solutions for companies with digital aspirations, in order to boost their connections with customers, employees and stakeholders. It is based on creative teams with deep industry knowledge and technical expertise. NEORIS is headquartered in Florida and operates in 14 countries in the US, Europe, Latin America and India through its network of global delivery centers and studios. of design. Currently, it has more than 5,000 employees and more than 400 active clients around the world. More information at www.neoris.com. ContactContact name: Rebeca Artal