(Information sent by the signatory company)

SAN ANTONIO, Chile, April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A successful call for companies specializing in port construction, dredging and development of mega infrastructures, led to the information event organized by the San Antonio Port Company in Madrid, to present the aspects technical and main construction works of Puerto Exterior, the most important port project in the history of Chile and which, with two terminals of 1,730 meters each and 8 berthing sites, will have a cargo transfer capacity of 6,000,000 TEU, that is, over 60 million tons annually.

The meeting is part of the public call for Expression of Interest, which began on April 2, and included the participation of the Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications of Chile, Juan Carlos Muñoz; the Ambassador of Chile in Spain, Javier Velasco; Spanish port authorities, international banks and executives from engineering and construction companies from different countries.

The General Manager of the San Antonio Port Company, Ramón Castañeda, and Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz led the event, which brought together more than 70 executives from Spain, France, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium, who learned about the characteristics of the project, its main works of construction and the associated deadlines, and also met with representatives of the Chilean state company to clarify doubts.

Castañeda explained that this milestone “is very important because these national and international companies that we have called for the Expression of Interest have extensive experience in construction methods. We have a project with very advanced detailed engineering, however, it is relevant, in a work of this magnitude, to be able to exchange with experts regarding what would be the best alternatives to execute our project.

The Minister stated that “it is impressive to see the number of companies that participated in the presentation of the Outer Port of San Antonio, and also the presence of international banks and organizations that finance these projects. This is a good starting point in the context of the call for Expression of Interest for the Puerto Exterior project, which is the most important we have in terms of port infrastructure in Chile in a century.”

The Expression of Interest corresponds to the invitation made by the San Antonio Port Company to Chilean and international companies interested in building the enabling works of the Exterior Port, as well as the shelter mole, the dredging of the dock and the access works and common areas backup of the new mega port terminal. This set of works will have an estimated cost of USD 1.5 billion, financed by the state company and include environmental mitigation and compensation works.

The concessionaire companies will develop the two terminals with an estimated investment of USD 2.5 billion. In total, the approximate investment is USD 4,000 million.

Puerto Exterior will be able to receive state-of-the-art container ships measuring 400 meters in length and is expected to begin operations in 2036.

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/puerto-san-antonio-y-el-ministerio-de-transportes-y-telecomunicaciones-de-chile-realizaron-exitosa-reunion-en-madrid-con-empresas-interesadas-en-construir-el-puerto-exterior-302130194.html