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Zaragoza (Aragon) , December 7,

The bankrupt went into debt to be able to access a new home, but could not assume the amount due

The Court of First Instance No. 12 of Zaragoza (Aragón) has issued the Benefit of Exoneration of Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI) in the case of a resident of the town who has been exonerated from a debt of 21,000 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENTAs explained by the lawyers of Repara tu Deuda, “his state of insolvency originated in mid-2018 when he was forced to leave the home he shared with another person. In order to access a new one, he had no choice but to request a loan to assume a series of expenses such as real estate, the deposit, etc. The debts were increasing due to the high interest that had to be paid. With the salary that the debtor received, she could not meet the payment of the loan installments. in addition to the expenses corresponding to the most basic and essential needs.”As in your case, numerous people turn to the Second Chance Law after doing everything possible to get out of the state of over-indebtedness in which they find themselves. They do so as a result of having suffered some type of economic setback, for work and/or personal reasons. It should be noted that the Second Chance Law came into force in Spain in 2015. Since its inception, more than 20,000 individuals and self-employed workers have come to the office to cancel the debts they have incurred and cannot assume.Repair your Debt Lawyers is the leading firm in the application of the Second Chance Law in Spain. Founded in September 2015, it has managed to exceed the figure of 170 million euros of debts to people who come from all the autonomous communities of the country. To offer confidence to its clients, the firm makes the sentences handed down by the Spanish courts of the cases in which they have participated. Furthermore, as the firm’s lawyers explain, “some of those exonerated decide to tell, either through direct contact or through videos, their case. And they have benefited from this law, leaving the delinquency lists (such as ASNEF), and they want their acquaintances and loved ones to know the very positive results of this mechanism. “Repara tu Deuda Abogados” checks, together with the potential client, the circumstances of their current situation. In this way, it analyzes whether this is the case of a person who can really benefit from the Second Chance Law and if they meet the requirements to cancel their debts. In this way, it aims to offer a response in advance so as not to waste time or financial resources for those who come to its office. To be a beneficiary of the second chance mechanism, it is necessary that the bankrupt does not exceed 5 million euros in debt, which acts at all times in good faith without hiding assets or income and has not committed socioeconomic crimes in the last ten years. Since the reform of September 2022, there is no need to try to reach a payment agreement with banks and financial entities. For people who are not beneficiaries of the second chance tool, Repara tu Deuda Abogados alternatively offers the Possible cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages. The legal office analyzes the contracts signed with banks and financial entities to check if there is any type of abusive clause and thus complain to Cofidis, Moneyman, WiZink, Carrefour, Vivus, Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, myKredit, Kviku, etc. .

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press Officer Contact telephone number: 655956735