Madrid, March 22, 2023.

The law firm leads the debt cancellation market in Spain since its creation in 2015

Repair your Debt, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law, has managed to cancel a debt that amounted to 97,313 euros in Madrid by applying the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENT. This is the case of a man, resident in Madrid, who has obtained exoneration of the amount he owed to banks and financial institutions. The lawyers of Repara tu Deuda explain their story: “the debtor began to request loans to be able to have a little financial solvency and make ends meet. Likewise, he also requested loans to buy a motorcycle, which he had to sell for not finally be able to take care of it. There came a point at which the debtor could not assume all the debts he had contracted, for which reason he requested several loans to pay off the previous credits. A debt accumulated that he was unable to assume”. Now, thanks to Repara tu Deuda Abogados and the Second Chance Law, you can start again without debts, after the Court of First Instance No. 14 of Madrid issued the Benefit of Exemption for Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI).Repara tu Deuda Abogados launched its activity in September 2015, the same year in which the law was approved in Spain. Currently, it has managed to exceed the figure of 130 million euros paid to its clients through the application of the Second Chance Law. The law firm carries out a free preliminary analysis to verify that, indeed, the person who wants to start the process is deserving of this second chance. More than 20,000 individuals and freelancers have placed their trust in the hands of the firm’s experts. Repair your Debt Lawyers has a 100% success rate in cases filed before the Spanish courts of people who wanted to take advantage of the Second Chance Law. The law firm fights so that people with debts can be beneficiaries of the Second Chance Law. It must be said that they adapt to the economic circumstances of their clients, aware that they are experiencing a delicate financial moment. “Many people are afraid to start the procedures because they believe that it is more complicated than it really is. Other lawyers request amounts that are difficult for them to bear. There are even those who are still unaware of the existence of this tool.” “We -they add- adapt to the situation of our clients because we know that they are people who are going through a very bad economic situation and, therefore, we must be understanding of their situation”.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: David Guerrero Contact telephone number: 655956735