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The leading law firm in the Second Chance Law supports this social initiative that will take place on Saturday, March 4

The matches of this triangle will take place at the Olimpia Municipal Sports Center, located in Sabadell (Barcelona) next Saturday, March 4. The scheduled times for the three games that will be played will be from 10 in the morning to 13 hours at noon.

Organized by the Rotary Club of Sabadell (Barcelona), it is a charitable action. For Alicia García, CEO of Repara tu Deuda, “since our beginnings our main objective has been to help people since it is essential in our daily work. For this reason, we consider it very important to support any initiative that has a social component at its center since it is essential for economic development.

The law firm is a pioneer in the application of the Second Chance Law, having been created in September 2015. To date, it has achieved the cancellation of 130 million euros to people from all over Spain, in a situation of insolvency and who were desperate for not finding a way out of their financial problems.

To be a beneficiary of this legislation, it is enough to meet a series of requirements. In summary, it is essential that the amount of the debt does not exceed 5 million euros, that the bankrupt has not been convicted of socioeconomic crimes during the last ten years and that they act at all times in good faith, without hiding assets or income, Being totally collaborative during the process.


Contact name: David Guerrero

Contact phone: 655956735