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Madrid, January 3, 2024.-Simón Chávarri is one of the prominent names in construction in Spain. He has just completed 40 years at the helm of the company Chavsa, with which, since its founding in 1983, he has developed more than 2,000 projects to date and which he comes to talk about today in this interview. The General Director of this multidisciplinary company shares his reflections on the most notable achievements in these four decades, from its modest beginnings as a furniture distributor, to becoming one of the leading companies in the construction industry in comprehensive solutions for the design of offices, healthcare and hotels, among other sectors.

Simón, after 40 years at the helm of Chavsa, what do you consider to have been the company’s most notable achievements during this time?

During these 40 years we have achieved many achievements, and it is difficult to point out which have been the most outstanding. At every moment in this long history, important projects appeared. I remember, for example, the construction of the Arts Pavilion for Expo 92 – which was our first complete construction – or the construction and equipment of the Adecco offices in Andalusia and the expansion of Mesones 5J in our region, all of this in the 90s. Already in the first decade of the 21st century, the construction and equipment of the CSEA Network, the construction of 130 homes in Écija or office networks for Barclays, Bankinter, Caja San Fernando or El Monte were important operations that made us grow. In recent years, part of the NATO headquarters in Brussels, hospitals for Viamed, Quirón and Clínicas Centro have been very important in our growth. But if I have to say the most important achievement, it is having survived 4 crises and consolidating a very prepared and committed human team.

How has Chavsa evolved from its beginnings as an office furniture distribution company to becoming one of the leaders in comprehensive construction solutions?

When I joined the company in 1991, Chavsa’s main activity was office equipment. Our growth came from offering more services to our clients, in which we were specialists, and we began by offering office design and construction. This new service was very well received by our clients, and from there we evolved to the construction of interiors of all types of work spaces, and later to the construction of new construction, especially in the tertiary sector, and specialized in offices, hotels, healthcare and social healthcare.

In this anniversary year, Chavsa’s turnover has reached record figures. What has been the key to this significant growth, exceeding 10% compared to last year?

The key has been the human team that we have consolidated. A young team, very prepared and ambitious, but cautious at the same time. The good work we do gives us the trust of our clients, who repeat in hiring our services and recommend us to other clients.

How has the diversification of the service portfolio influenced the company’s financial performance?

Not only the diversification of services, but also that of sectors and locations has been very positive during these years. All sectors have their ups and downs and the fact that they are diversified and also offer different services helps to compensate for the ups and downs of economic cycles.

How do you address the challenges and opportunities posed by the accelerated incorporation of technologies such as circular construction and Lean Construction management systems in the sector?

One of the characteristics that has accompanied Chavsa during all these years has been its capacity for innovation and leading the changes that have occurred in the sector. The world is changing and so is the way we build. At Chavsa our commitment to this change is total. Chavsa is developing a circular construction methodology that will change the way we do things, having a very positive impact on the environment. For a few years now we have incorporated some Lean methodologies, such as the Last Planner System, which have allowed us to reduce execution times, costs and also waste.

As Chavsa reaches 40 years old, what would you say is Chavsa’s legacy for the coming decades?

The love for what we do and the values ​​that have brought us here are the fundamental pillars of what we have built in these decades. These values ​​of honesty, respect for our workers, clients and the environment, as well as the commitment to diversity, must be what maintain and make Chavsa grow in the coming years.

What is the vision and expectation for the future of Chavsa?, considering the financial strength and the incorporation of new generations and leadership in the company.

Our expectation is to be a reference company in Spain when it comes to construction and design of offices, and construction in collaborative processes of hospitals, hotels and residences. To achieve this, the experience of these 40 years, the capacity for innovation and a very prepared and consolidated team are our great assets to continue growing and leading construction in these sectors.

In short, both its clear and ambitious vision of working with the future in mind, as well as its roots in values ​​such as honesty, respect and environmental commitment, have been the bases on which Chavsa has operated during these 40 years. The company has managed to adapt to the dynamic construction environment, meeting the expectations and demands of its clients and offering innovative solutions, with the highest quality materials, committed human talent and cutting-edge technology, which keeps it as a benchmark in your sector today.

Simón Chávarri de la Fuente studied Industrial Engineering at the University of Seville and later completed an MBA at the San Telmo International Institute.

He worked in the US for the Ford Company chain. Currently, he is CEO of Chavsa.

Issuer: Chavsa


Contact: Journalistic Office

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