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– The Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates gave the closing speech of the Master in Sustainable Humanitarian Action UCAM – DIHAD

– His Royal Highness Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan offered his best wishes to the 63 graduates from 50 nationalities: may they be the best ambassadors of humanity, illuminating the paths of hope towards a more humanitarian future

MURCIA, Spain, May 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) and the DIHAD Foundation (Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development) have recently celebrated the graduation ceremony of the first two promotions of the Master in Action Sustainable Humanitarian. This innovative degree program, which has the support and sponsorship of the Ahmad bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation and INDEX Holding, combines online and face-to-face teaching methods and in its first two editions has trained 63 students from 50 nationalities, such as Syria , Nigeria, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Gambia, Malawi, Romania, France, Sudan, Ghana, Lesotho, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Algeria, Kenya, Colombia, Panama and Bangladesh, among others.

The ceremony was presided over by His Royal Highness Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the United Arab Emirates; Abdulsalam AlMadani, president of INDEX Holding and the DIHAD Foundation, and José Luis Mendoza García, general director of Institutional Relations of the UCAM, who was accompanied by Gonzalo Wandosell, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of the UCAM and the DIHAD Humanitarian College.

One of the most emotional moments of the event occurred when José Luis Mendoza presented Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, in recognition of his support and contribution to the program, with a plaque and diploma from UCAM that accredits him as Extraordinary Professor in Humanitarian Action Sustainable.

Training leaders for international organizations

The Master in Sustainable Humanitarian Action is a unique program, in which students are trained by multinational faculty with extensive experience and benefit from networking opportunities with humanitarian organizations thanks to the DIHAD Foundation, a federation that brings together more than 600 NGOs from all over the world.

The program is designed to introduce students to the latest innovations and technologies in the humanitarian field, allowing them to advance their careers in this sector. This graduation marks an important milestone in the lives of these students, who are now prepared to execute, improve and design humanitarian projects and programs from a sustainable perspective, as well as to lead international organizations.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2402112…

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