For a lot of the bad news out of the blue came. Auto Wichert, the city’s largest car dealer and an important Partner of the VW group, is broke. Are affected 23 locations in all of Northern Germany and approximately 1400 employees. The quake in the industry is large: If a dick ship into such a dangerous and unbalanced situation, what will happen with the smaller car dealerships? However, the car is Wichert not an isolated case, because in the last time several VW dealerships had to admit the inability to pay. Volkswagen Vz. 144,60 EUR -5,90 (-3,92%) Xetra price data

On many VW dealerships in the vulture

The culprit is circling was quickly found: the diesel scandal. Because it’s not just that the desire of the German is gone to the self-igniter, and with such engines so-equipped cars, such as lead in the showrooms of the car dealers premises. From the official car driver’s favorite, the child became a “problem”. The cars no longer have the residual value that is prized at the beginning of the lease. In the past, many leasing customers took possession of the familiar vehicle to the predetermined conditions. Cattle man VW dealer in the United States: The new SUV Atlas to the sales figures of the German boost

This has changed with the diesel scandal, the former business partners are usually happy to have the vehicle with the discredited drive finally from the neck. The dealers considerable revenue is being lost, Professor Stefan Bratzel of the Center of Automotive Management (CAM), estimated values for the decay of the residual and, therefore, the loss for the traders to “ten to 20 percent.” Complicating factors: Every day, a lease return is in the yard, it causes in addition to cost.

Diesel: 10 to 20 percent loss in the value of

And VW? The low-Saxon automaker is thinking about a career at the ailing car dealer from Hamburg. This would send two important signals to the outside world, to customers and to the increasingly dubious dealers. “Look, we are letting our Partner down” and “We continue to focus on traditional Commerce as an important sales pillar”. The VW Board of management Jürgen stackmann plays in the cards of the VW will anyway miss a new sales structure, which is oriented to Tech giants such as Apple. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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car trade in the future is largely

online Elementary component of the “Future Sales Plan” that the customer can at any time have contact with the car maker. This is done through Online platforms, or, if desired, in the conventional manner via the dealer. As in the case of Apple & co. the customer gets an ID so identification, he can do everything around the VW when, how and where he wants. Volvo wants to establish Abo-concept: how it works PCP Volvo Abo wants to establish-concept: how it works

The dealer will remain an essential part of the new distribution channels, but VW will also come through Online sales directly in contact with the customers. “No longer will the chassis no. is at the centre of our actions, but the customer. However, a dealer remains on the car is an important touch point to the customer“; summarizes Jürgen stackmann. It does not stop with the acquisition of the automobile. The VW Ecosystem will accompany the driver after that, and again and again with tailor-made solutions. To do this, the sales Executive also needs the trade. Starting in April, with the ID.3 the new approach should be implemented. Diesel scandal: The truth behind

The exhaust gas scandal is the biggest scandal in the German automotive history. It cost Volkswagen, and other companies billion and revealed, especially in the VW group’s dramatic developments. However, the scandal is also used politically for the achievement of goals such as driving bans to push through. How came it ever to the Diesel Drama? What is actually behind the “German environmental aid”? And why only in Germany, Diesel-driving bans for not even four years old cars that are justified by local Exceedances of measured values? FOCUS Online is looking for 2015 behind the Scenes.

  • the secret of the “Golden Cars”: As authorities in the control of the car maker failed
  • diesel gate and AdBlue-collusion – “A Diesel SUV that does not consume two liters”: the developer of the missing Puzzle-piece in the exhaust-scandal
  • New suspicion of fraud also in the case of Euro 6 diesel engines?
  • pollutant measurements: What have you told the authorities
  • nitrogen oxides and particulate matter: Academy of science recommendations
  • Secret funding, support from the policy: What’s really behind the “Deutsche umwelthilfe” is
  • “This is like Cash for Rares”: Behind the court Scenes of the VW scandal

Volkswagen is the “Mega-dealership”

This means that no Matter where and how you buy the Stromer, the direct contractual partner will be Volkswagen itself. In order for the manufacturer occurs, so to speak, as a Mega-dealership on the Plan, but wants to throw out to the car dealerships, commissions, and bonus payments. The dealer gets a Commission, but it is ultimately a tool for Guidance, to the point of contact in case of problems, and the after-sale Service, such as inspections and repairs. However, investments are yet, because for the electric mobility, such as new rooms, that are a burden on the retailer also. “Manufacturers come in several automotive basically, the tendency to re-direct with the customers. From the middle of the decade, there will be a consolidation of dealer networks,“ says Stefan Bratzel.

“consolidation in the dealer networks”

At first glance, this reorientation is equivalent to the final death knell for the car seller, even if the margins on new cars are the last to be melted. Especially the smaller dealers will have to fight to Survive, because in the course of electro-mobility, also, some capital investment will be necessary.

However, it will not go on for a while without the merchant: keyword test drives. “Testing is an integral and very important part of the purchase decision drives are still. It is conceivable that with the further development of the technical capabilities of future generations are willing to forgo such Tests,“ explains Dr. Jan Burgard of the strategy consultancy Berylls.

The Hessische/niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA) has asked around at the local VW dealers, and is met with a divided response. Especially the small traders are the new VW compared to sales concept skeptical.

VW has to give away a Cent,

is How to develop the relationship between the manufacturers and the traders under the sign of the up-breaking of electro-mobility and the new sales model, will show. But it is also clear that Volkswagen is not a charity, and give away not one Cent has. Even if the group has retracted against the Trend of a weaker automobile market in 2019, significantly more profit – also thanks to a further rise in SUV sales.

The result is increased compared to the previous year (2018) by 12.8 per cent to 13.3 billion euros. The views of the current year, however, emphasized careful. Among the risks, the weak economic situation in many markets, but also to the growing uncertainty due to the novel Coronavirus.

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