The ax fell for the RTBF. As provided in the declaration of community policy, the government of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels has taken this Thursday, measures to restrict the volume of advertising on its antennae. The advertising will be reduced by half during the time period of the morning on The First as early as September. It will then be totally removed on this same channel starting in July 2021. The cost for 2020 is estimated at 400,000 euros. It is stated that this decrease in revenue may not be accompanied by a reduction of the workforce. For its part, the government is committed to keep unchanged staffing 2021 (297 million euros in total).

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The government justifies these restrictions by the fact that the morning sector is devoted to information and therefore needs to be preserved. The particular objective is to ” prevent content that informs the listener on societal issues important not to be disturbed by advertisements that véhiculeraient the message in reverse “, explains it to the office of the minister of Media Bénédicte Linard (Ecolo).