
President Joe Biden’s recent gaffes have raised concerns about his ability to continue leading the nation. During a NATO summit, he mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy as “President Putin,” causing embarrassment and confusion. Additionally, he struggled through a press conference, slurring his words and making other errors, such as calling Vice President Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump.” These incidents have led many to question Biden’s mental acuity and whether he should continue in office.

As a result, speculation is growing about who may replace Biden if he steps down. Vice President Kamala Harris is a likely candidate, despite her poor polling numbers and lack of popularity. On the other side, the Trump campaign is carefully considering their Vice Presidential pick, waiting to see who the Democratic nominee will be before making a decision.

If Kamala Harris becomes the Democratic nominee, many believe that Tulsi Gabbard would be the ideal choice for Trump’s Vice President. Gabbard, a former Democratic candidate for president, is known for her intelligence, military service, and non-interventionist foreign policy stance. She has clashed with powerful political figures like Hillary Clinton and has a strong following among independents.

Choosing Gabbard as his running mate could help Trump appeal to a broader base of voters and soften his image. Gabbard’s military background and commitment to peace could complement Trump’s policies and provide a balance to his leadership style. Ultimately, Gabbard’s selection could be a strategic move to win over undecided voters and present a united front against the Democratic nominee.

In conclusion, as the political landscape continues to shift, the choice of Vice Presidential candidates will play a crucial role in shaping the upcoming election. With Biden’s future uncertain and Harris potentially stepping into the spotlight, the decision to select Tulsi Gabbard as a running mate could have far-reaching implications for both parties. Stay tuned as the race for the 2024 election heats up.