People thirst for hope. 30 December 2017, 18:36 UhrEditiert on 30 December 2017, 18:36 Uhr8 comments

Read Turkish original here. The text has been edited easily for German version.

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“Now y amuse mselves splendidly in house,” sighed freezing homeless man, when he angeödete woman who looked out of window and envied people on street…

“If phone never stands still,” businessman, who came late for New Year’s party, was annoyed without wasting a thought on his mor, who regretted that nobody called her…

“Perhaps she calls at midnight, and we reconcile,” hoped abandoned lover, while his former celebrated at anor party…

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“What a killing I would do tonight if I had not renounced hajj of sin,” regretted Knabberwarenhändler, who waited before sign “no alcohol sale” on clientele…

“Where you have to travel 2018 Absolutely,” read elderly patient in intensive care unit with a painful smile…

This article dates back to time No. 01/2018. Here you can read entire output.

“Until morning, y puked all over here!” The sweeper spat on road, which he would have to clean at dawn…

In front of mirror, woman who could not at party cried, because her face was still swollen, and whined about wrinkles, which even Botox could not whitewash…

“Wher my life passes like a movie before my eyes when I fall? Does impact hurt a lot? “asked unemployed before jumping off high-rise, amazed at drivers who stopped in middle of street to watch his suicide…

“The boat goes under and still no land in sight”, refugee mor cared, clung to inflatable boat in Aegean Sea and looked at how she should save her baby when she capsized…

“I’ll tell you in face what I can’t say in front of all people: you’re an useless scoundrel!” The drunken Filou was playing against mirror of his hourly apartment while thinking of his family, who awaited him at home for New Year’s dinner…

Can Dündar

Is editor-in-chief of new Web portal Özgürüz, which he founded in Germany. He writes for time a weekly column about crisis in Turkey.

The girl in miniskirt rehearsed one last time how she would fight against harassment before she went to celebration in town square…

“They only look at our skin colour and shun us,” fretted fugitive, looking at his skin and refraining from going to celebrations…

“Is purse, if I steal it and thine, worth penalty if I get caught?”, small solvent sniffer calculated at station…

With lottery ticket in his hand, man in front of TV dreamed of where he would travel if he had main prize, and fell asleep…

“Will he bring me a rose tonight, too,” thought woman of poor rose-seller…

“Maybe I should just really celebrate before I detonate,” grumbled young suicide bomber with wired body…

Without having to shear providence of old, because of mischief-driven year, new one stood at door, promising to become a good:

“Trust me. Everything will be better! “

After hope people thirsted and were all too willing to believe him.

From Turkish by Sabine Adatepe