
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban recently gave a speech at the Balvanyos Free Summer University and Student Camp where he discussed the global systemic transition and Hungary’s grand strategy within it. Orban highlighted his Christian duty to promote peace and criticized the EU for its “war is peace” mantra. He also touched on the Ukrainian Conflict and how it opened his eyes to ten key realities.

Orban mentioned the enormous casualties in the conflict and the need for external diplomatic intervention to end the fighting. He also discussed how the US’s actions in containing China led to a proxy war with Russia, changing the dynamics of global politics. Orban emphasized the resilience of both Ukraine and Russia and the shifting power dynamics in Europe, with Poland emerging as a new center of power.

The Hungarian Prime Minister pointed out the division between Western and Central Europe’s views on nationalism and post-nationalism, as well as the challenges facing democracy in the West. He also highlighted the rise of the non-West, particularly China, and the need for the EU to redefine its role in global affairs.

Orban proposed a Hungarian grand strategy focused on connectivity, sovereignty, and societal resilience. He stressed the importance of Hungary’s economic independence and cultural preservation in the face of global changes. Orban called on all Hungarians to support this grand strategy and prepare for the ongoing global transition.

In conclusion, Orban’s speech outlined his vision for Hungary’s future in the evolving global system. He urged his fellow citizens to embrace the changes ahead and work towards a stronger, more resilient Hungary. As the global transition continues, Orban believes that Hungary must adapt and thrive in the changing geopolitical landscape.