
The upcoming 2024 presidential election is fast approaching, but don’t expect either Joe Biden or Donald Trump to address the underlying issues that are eroding our freedoms. The sad truth is that both candidates are more concerned with maintaining their standing with unions, corporations, and wealthy donors than with truly serving the American people.

In reality, the outcome of the election is unlikely to significantly impact the day-to-day lives of average Americans. The decisions that truly shape our lives are made by unelected government officials who have turned bureaucracy into a profitable business.

Here are some uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that you won’t hear from the presidential candidates:

1. The government does not represent the people. We are ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests whose main goal is to maintain power and control.

2. Our freedoms are being gradually eroded, and the government has essentially freed itself from its obligation to respect our constitutional rights.

3. Republicans and Democrats may act like adversaries, but they are actually partners in maintaining the status quo.

4. Presidential elections serve to perpetuate the dictatorial continuum of the American imperial presidency.

5. The government is spending beyond its means on foreign aid programs while the national debt grows and domestic infrastructure deteriorates.

6. The police state is evolving into a surveillance state, where every move we make is monitored by an all-powerful government apparatus.

7. Exposing government crimes is treated as a crime itself, and speaking out against the government can make you an “enemy of the state.”

8. Voting may be an illusion of participation, designed to make the public feel like they have a say in the political process.

9. The government poses a greater threat to the life, liberty, and property of citizens than the dangers it claims to protect us from.

10. The government uses fear to manipulate and control the populace, turning a free people into subjects of a dictatorship.

11. The Deep State, comprised of unelected bureaucrats and corporations, is the real power behind the government.

12. Every citizen is now considered guilty until proven innocent.

13. The rule of law is no longer protecting us, as our rights are being steadily eroded.

14. Privacy is dead, with government surveillance monitoring our every move and interaction.

15. Private property means little when the government can seize it under flimsy pretexts.

16. Taxpayers are consistently swindled by the government, which prioritizes corporate interests over the well-being of its citizens.

17. Young people are increasingly under the control of the state, with parents losing authority over their children’s education and healthcare.

18. Everyday activities can flag you as a suspicious character and subject you to government scrutiny.

19. The government’s actions are pushing us towards a constitutional crisis.

20. Our freedoms, especially the Fourth Amendment, are being eroded by government overreach and abuse of power.

The reality is that without the active participation and vigilance of the American people, these problems will persist. The Constitution begins with “We the people,” emphasizing that the government exists because of us. It is up to us to demand change and hold our representatives accountable for upholding our rights and freedoms. Only by recognizing our power as citizens can we hope to create a better future for ourselves and future generations.