USING BUSINESS CORONAVIRUS. In a few days, autoentrepreneurs and small businesses can seek the help of 1500 euros from the solidarity Fund, on the website of the income tax. The conditions will, however, evolve. It makes the point.

Summary June 2020 Conditions Calculation Approaches Region Urssaf

[updated on June 29, 2020 at 09h56] More than a few days. The form to solicit the help of 1 500 eur on the website of the tax should soon be adapted, so that you can ask for help as losses in the month of June 2020. But can you really claim it ? From 1 July 2020, the access to the solidarity Fund is restricted. Only companies of certain sectors will continue to receive it until December 2020. Are involved in the hotel, catering, tourism, culture, events and sports. If your company is not part of one of the sectors previously mentioned, then you will not be able to ask the help of 1 500 euros beyond the losses of the month of may.

Who will benefit from the support of 1500 euros to June 2020 ? This will change

It is official. The solidarity Fund has been extended. An order was published in the official Journal, which you can find here. The executive branch has finally decided to set this fund up to December 31, 2020 . As previously explained, only in certain sectors will continue to benefit from it :

hospitality : hotels, tourist accommodation, cafés… tourism : activities of travel agencies, culture : management of museums, guides, speakers… events : service, catering, Organization of trade fairs, public events or private, trade shows or professional seminars, congress… sport : activities of sport clubs…

in mid-may, the Prime minister had confirmed that access to the fund will be extended to these sectors. “The solidarity fund will remain open for tourism companies until the end of the year 2020″, he said. “ access will be expanded to larger companies, those that have up to 20 employees and 2 million euros turnover , ( … ), and the assistance which can be paid to be able to go up to 10 000 euros”. This information had been confirmed by Bercy in a press release. “The fonds de solidarité remains accessible to businesses of these activities, as well as artists, authors , until the end of the year 2020. It is expanded from the 1st of June,” one can read. “ reminder, For the other enterprises, the fund of solidarity stops at may 31, 2020. The firms that have not yet requested the second floor of the fund, may do so until the month of July”. Find all of the specific sectors concerned, in annex to the press release, here.

many Of the parameters of the fund of solidarity has evolved through a decree published in June. “It opens the device, the title of the losses of the month of may 2020, for companies with more than 20 employees and less than € 2 million turnover belong to sectors particularly affected by the crisis (hotels, cafés, restaurants, tourism, event, sport, culture) as well as the companies that meets the same threshold conditions belonging to sectors of activity-dependent sectors previously mentioned and who have suffered a loss of revenue of over 80 % between the march 15, 2020 and may 15, 2020″, confirmed by manual. Other changes have also been recorded, here’s the breakdown :

The maximum amount of aid granted to the title of the second component is increased to 10 000 euros for the enterprises in the sectors mentioned above. The condition of refusal of the loan is removed. Your company has been created between march 1 and march 10, 2020 : you’re now eligible for the fund. The conditions of cumulation of aid of up to € 1 500 with daily allowances of the social Security and/or pensions are to be reviewed and relaxed. “ The deadlines for filing applications are pushed back to July 31, 2020 for the component 1 and August 15, 2020 for the component 2″ . It was originally set at June 30 for the component 1. For the artists, authors which the activity is not domiciled in their dwelling-house, the terms and conditions of employment of an employee, and a refusal of loan to access the part 2 of the fund are deleted. Local authorities and public establishments of inter-municipal cooperation in tax own now have the opportunity to fund additional support for business beneficiaries of the second component located on their territory. What are the conditions of the solidarity fund ?

The help of 1500 euros is reserved for small businesses, self-employed, freelancers and micro entrepreneurs), and this, regardless of the tax regime or status. Several conditions must be met. The workforce must not exceed 10 employees (20 employees for the sectors which are most affected, such as the hôtellerie-restoration and events) . Your turnover must be less than one million euros (2 million euros for the sectors most affected by the health crisis).

As at annual income taxable (before taxes on the companies and appearing on the declaration 2065), it must not exceed 60 000 euros ” to companies in own name (120 000 euros if the spouse of the head of company is involved in the activity of the company, with the status of conjoint collaborateur)”, we are told in the latest version of the frequently asked questions published by tax. “ For corporations, the ceiling of taxable income is 60,000 euros per partner and spouse employee “.

Attention, it is possible to receive financial aid if you have been on sick leave or off work to care for your children, but subject to conditions. The decree n° 2020-371 of march 30, 2020 stated that the benefits of social Security received must not exceed 800 euros. It was not to be the holder of a contract of employment or a retirement pension. This decree was amended by decree n° 2020-552 may 12, 2020. Now, the solidarity fund is extended “from the loss of April, (…) [businesses] in which the officer has collected less than 1 500 €, pension or subsistence allowance during the month in question “.

You meet the criteria listed above ? It does not stop there. The administration requires compliance with conditions that are directly related to the health crisis. As a reminder, you must also fill out one of these two criteria :

Your company has been with a closure . This provision refers to the decree of march 15, 2020 supplementing the order of 14 march 2020. It will list all of the institutions which must be closed, such as museums, restaurants and clubs, is found to be non-essential to the life of the Nation. You can find the complete list on the site in Or your company suffered a loss of turnover of over 50% compared to the turnover of reference (read more below) . What amount to you ? Does it necessarily have 1500 euros ?

The solidarity Fund is composed of two floors. If you meet the above conditions, you can take advantage of the first floor, that is to say, ” aid in an amount equal to the reported loss of turnover, within the limit of 1 500 € “. Are you wondering about the reference taken into account to determine your loss of revenue ? terms and conditions of sales have been reviewed since April.

A decree was published stating that companies can compare “compared to the same period of the previous year ; or, if they wish, compared to the monthly average revenue for the year 2019 ; or, for companies established after 1 April 2019, compared to the monthly average revenue on the period between the date of establishment of the company and on February 29, 2020″. you summed up the reference of revenue that you’re going to have to take for the month of may :

existing Businesses in the 01/05/2019 choice : sales in the month of may in 2019, or monthly figure, through 2019 Companies created after the 01/05/2019 monthly average Revenue between the date of creation and the 29/02/2020 Entrepreneur who benefited from a leave of absence for sickness, work accident or maternity in may 2019 monthly average Revenue between the 01/06/2019, and the 01/03/2020 How to apply ? The steps

on this side, nothing changes : the steps remain the same, since the month of march. It should always make you on the site of taxes, and you connect to your personal space. next, Go to your secure e-mail. Click on “Write” and select the reason for contact ” I request assistance to businesses that have been weakened by the epidemic Covid-19 “. A form should appear. Here are the steps which you must follow :

check the box certifying that you meet all the requirements, eight in total ; Enter the number of employees in CDD or CDI in your structure please Mention your contact details : last name, first name, quality (individual entrepreneur, company manager, accountant, employee, accountant, Other), telephone and e-mail. please Indicate the SIRET number and validate it. Select the period for which you want to get help Calculate the amount of your help : you must check one of the boxes “My company is the subject of a prohibition of reception of the public during the period of the” or “My business has suffered a loss in turnover of more than 50 % over the period compared to the figuresre business reference”. As we had noticed several readers, you must indicate your turnover in 2019 and in 2020 over the period, regardless of the checkbox ticked in advance. The administration will calculate the differential and, ultimately, the amount of assistance which you can claim. Specify the bank details of your company. please Specify if your “company had, as at 31 December 2019, in difficulty within the meaning of article 2 of regulation (EU) n° 651/2014 of the Commission of 17 June 2014”. If yes, please complete the form of declaration of de minimis aid “as contained in appendix II of the circular of September 14, 2015, pages 17-19”. check “I hereby certify that my company meets the conditions to benefit from this assistance, the accuracy of the information reported(…). article 441-6 of the penal code provides penalties of two years imprisonment and 30,000 euro fine for providing a false declaration with a view to obtaining from an administration or public body charged with a public service mission an allowance, a payment or benefit “.

is it possible to change the information on the application form later ?

Unfortunately, not . At the end of the form, the tax administration clarifies that once the form is validated, it will be final”. “The changes to your application or any claims thereto for the period from January 1 to April 30, 2020 will not be possible”, says one. Therefore, it is imperative that you be extremely thorough when filling out this document. You are always you find ? please Note that it is possible to contact the taxes at 0 810 467 687 Monday to Friday from 8h30 to 17h00 service (0,06 € per minute + the cost of a call). You can also contact the service des impôts des entreprises, which is in charge of your tax file.

What is the payment period ?

“The demand for aid will have to be realized by the cloud, the later April 30 [for the march] “, can we read in the decree. “The DGFIP will carry out first level controls and will provide prompt assistance to the applicant”, one can read in the edited document by the services of Bercy. Interviewed in Le Figaro, Gérald Darmanin had indicated that l e payment was to be made “in three or four days” .

what is the help of the Region ?

In a second time, some contractors may benefit from additional support in of 5 000 euros against 2 000 euros initially . You must meet the following requirements : Be at least one employee and be unable to pay your debts within a period of 30 days . “The amount of assistance is between 2 000 and 5 000 euros depending on the size and location of the company”, one can read in the frequently asked questions published by tax administration. “This amount is a flat amount for all companies whose CA is less than € 200,000”. Your turnover exceeds this amount ? Here’s how the amount of aid is determined :

For a CA of between 200 000 and 600 000 euros : “the aid will compensate for the cash balance up to 3500 euros, with a minimum of £ 2000”. For a turnover above € 600 000 : “the aid compensates for the cash balance up to 5000€, with a minimum of £ 2000”.

The decree of may 12, 2020 which has somewhat altered the terms and conditions of this supplementary aid. It is now open “the companies that have been the subject of a prohibition of reception of the public who do not have a salaried employee and have an annual turnover of more than 8 000 € . To make your application, a dedicated platform must be open by your region. “In order that the services of the region to be able to review the request, the company will attach an estimate supported her impasse cash, a brief description of his situation, demonstrating the imminent risk of bankruptcy as well as the name of the bank where the enterprise is a customer having refused a loan of cash to a reasonable amount, the amount of the loan requested and his contact in the bank”, it was specified. The add-in is paid, also, by the DGFIP.

What are the aids-related Covid-19 made by the Urssaf ?

On his page dedicated to the autoentrepreneurs, the Urssaf identify the various aids that you can avail if you are not eligible for the solidarity Fund. Here they are :

so when can we benefit from the postponement of the deadlines ?

“in Order to take account of the impact of the epidemic of coronavirus on economic activity, the network Urssaf triggers of exceptional measures to help businesses with serious cash-flow difficulties”, we can read on the site of the Urssaf. “In the event of major difficulties, the employers that the due date Urssaf comes in 5 or June 15, may request the deferral of all or part of the payment of employee and employer contributions for this date” .

note : you must make a prior request with the Urssaf to obtain the report. “Regardless of their size, companies wishing to take advantage of deferral opportunities mustnt pre-fill an application form via the online space,” says-t-on.

The exceptional financial assistance Covid-19 “social Action”

It allows to obtain an exceptional financial aid or in support of social security contributions personal”, says one. Keep in mind that there are several conditions :

it is necessary “to have made at least one payment of social security contributions personal since its installation” to Be affiliated before January 1, 2020 to Be affected significantly by the measures for reduction or suspension of activity” Be up to date with its social security contributions-personal at 31 December 2019 (or timing in progress) The independent activity will be the principal activity you Have made at least a declaration of turnover is different from 0 prior to 31/12/2019.

You meet these conditions ? In this case, you must send your request through the secure messaging site Select the reason “time of payment”. Remember to specify “social action” and “attach your application form (you have the option to attach 4 pieces, each up to 2 Mb)”.

what is using the supplemental Plan of the independent (CPSTI ROI) ?