The crisis after the outbreak of the Coronavirus has hit the aviation industry hard – in addition to the Airlines global airport operators have lost on the stock markets sharply in value. The share of MDax-listed group, Fraport currently costs nearly 40 percent less than at the beginning of the year.

The operator of Frankfurt airport, is the world involved in 30 airports, including in Greece, Turkey, Peru, Brazil, and a minority of 24.5 percent at the airport of Xi’an in Central China. The most important location Frankfurt home to the airport, which was used act in the past year, as the biggest German hub of 70.5 million passengers, however, remains.

numbers of passengers suffer from flight-cancellations

the economic impact of the numerous flight cancellations in the Wake of the Coronavirus has not commented Fraport-Chef Stefan Schulte yet. Passenger numbers for February, to be presented today, Thursday, after it had already announced in January, a decline of 0.7 percent. The values should already have clearly suffered as a result of the cancelled flight plan of the main customer Lufthansa, which provides in normal times for about 70 percent of the aircraft movements in Frankfurt. Lufthansa 8.99 EUR -1,21 (-11,84%) Xetra

  • 1 day
  • 6 months

has To the rate of data

The Lufthansa, to reduce your program in these weeks of up to 50 percent. Among other things, the entire fleet of the largest passenger aircraft, Airbus A380 to be due to the lack of demand, temporarily still.

Fraport would be taken away due to failure of the fees and revenues of the passengers in the Terminals, difficult. In principle, it is currently very difficult, the future development of transport predict, said a spokesman for the airport operator in this context.

How the North Atlantic-flights to develop, according to US immigration stop?

Basically, the Asia, have suffered in the business, while the North Atlantic Connections were still relatively stable. The impact of today’s announced entry stops for Europeans in the US is likely to change the Situation radically.

Ralph Beisel, managing Director of the airport Association ADV, said the “Handelsblatt”: “the economic situation of The airports is getting worse because of the Traffic drops from week to week.” We have therefore included discussions with the government. “Our most important and most pressing concern in the short term, and broadly implementable short-time working arrangements,” says Beisel.

Fraport has placed its staff, unpaid leave and reduced working hours close to. In addition, projects were postponed and the New settings will only be possible in exceptional cases.

Beisel rating of the current performance compared to the “Handelsblatt” as a one-off. The decline exceeded all past experience. The Association therefore call for statutory regulation, authorization by the Federal government, with the necessary special regulations in force which have been backed up in other crises, the employment, so Beisel in the “Handelsblatt”.

see also: stock market crash as a cheap entry-level use – Finance professional believes: “the Dax is still falling deeper – but that’s no matter” real-time map shows the Corona-dissemination – more than 45,000 people were being healed, again, FOCUS Online/Wochit lung disease Covid-19: real-time map of the Corona-dissemination – more than 45,000 people shows a re-healed
