The cities of Ningbo or pus kr probably know the least of all the Federal citizens. The “province of esters” in the Eastern coast of China, millions of cities, and operate together, the fourth-largest container port in the world, as the latest data of the World Shipping Council show.

Nearly 26.4 million containers made in the port in the year 2018. Ningbo pus kr is not the only trading place of the world ranking, and likely in this country is hardly known. Also, from the fifth-, eight -, and ninth-largest port in German probably have never heard of it.

the World Economic Forum (WEF) were, in 2006, only three Chinese ports are among the busiest anchorages in the world. Today, China’s ports, seven of the ten first places – demonstrate a testimony of how massive China is now intertwined with the global trade.

a Container is greater than to the financial crisis

the world biggest container port in Shanghai came up to 2018 on a volume of over 42 million containers, roughly five times as much as Germany’s most important trading port in Hamburg (only 19th place in the ranking). The statistics shows that For the world no trade is more important than the from, to and with the far East.

Without the rain of ship traffic to the far East – the live track and the according to the WEF, 90 percent of global trade is handled – nothing works. One last example: in 2017, the American energy Agency has estimated EIA that almost half of the world’s shipping fleet would have to be diverted, it should be blocked the Strait of Malacca at Singapore.

The outbreak of the novel Coronavirus Stokes now Fears of Succumbing to this trade. And in fact, data show that vessel traffic is fighting with the disease, such as the currently well-42.000 acute patients. As the New York Times wrote at the end of February, with reference to the data provider alpha line, currently has more cargo containers (in tons) collapsed during the financial crisis starting in 2007. Are you interested in in addition to values? The professionally managed trading service “Small Caps Champion” takes all the Research and analysis work. (Partner offer) Now 30 days free of charge test!

No country imports more to us than China,

The question for German consumers and companies is now: How long is the ship traffic stutters? There will be some products even bottlenecks? Consumers are unlikely to notice much, but on the German company’s problems, said Achim Haug, China expert at the economic promotion Agency GTAI (Germany Trade & Invest).

there is Hardly a country that the country’s economy as significant as the Partner from the far East. In 2019, China imported Goods to the value of 109.7 billion euros in the Federal Republic of Germany – more than any other trading partner. Germany in turn exported 96 billion euros of Goods to China. Thus, the country is our third most important export market.

“The effects are only now”

“The export of goods from China jamming there at the moment, some supply chains are on the verge of tear. Before the Chinese new year in February, much was sent, but now the production is filled from the Camps. The ships need to us about four weeks, so the effects are coming only now. The companies know that,“ said Haug.

China is mainly as the most important producer and supplier of end-products is known, for example in electrical appliances. The people’s Republic of deliver but also many intermediate products, such as printed circuit boards and electronic components or also components for the key to the German industry par excellence, in the manufacture of cars, for example, Haug.

China exported more active ingredients for pharmaceuticals than any other country. Europe’s and Germany’s pharmaceutical industry is very dependent on, for example, Haug. Panic is not, however, announced: “Still no shortage threatens because of the crisis, in recent years, the occurred, but from time to time,” said Haug. With Stock Selection in Europe, you will achieve excess Returns with System! (Partner offer) Now 30 days free of charge test!

in addition to the supply chains to meet the epidemic Haug, according to more and more production sites of such export goods – such as the Region of the Yangtze Delta. The container ports of Shanghai and Ningbo-pus kr.

“The production is not only under great difficulties, for example, because migrant workers come back and the requirements of the authorities for companies are very restrictive,” says Haug. After all, to Him, it was not known that the important ports are closed, even if the operation is in many places very limited.

measures such as short-time work is likely to

For companies with suppliers from China, Haug predicts bumpy times. “The impact will be noticeable. Some companies have to take measures like short-time work“, – said the expert. Even stronger but German companies are suffering, with shops in China, suspected Haug. Of a witness to a recent survey by the German chamber of Commerce and the EU chamber of Commerce.

Nearly 90 percent of European companies with business in China reported, therefore a moderate to severe impairment caused by the Coronavirus epidemic. 50 percent of the companies expect sales to decrease in the double-digit percentage range, with a further quarter expecting a decline of about 20 percent. Half of the companies planning to cut their annual goals.

consumers will notice the stuttering logistics but hardly consoled Haug. “So far, you can’t say that anything from China is missing. I’m not as concerned that consumer goods be a topic,“ says the expert. A real bottleneck Haug expected and when the mouth protection masks – a macabre coincidence. because one of the most important manufacturers are located in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak.


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