around a quarter of the passengers had gone advent in the first week of March in the year of comparison is remotely cited transport Board member, Michael Peterson, in a communication of the Federal tags.

Peterson had informed the tourism Committee on the impact of the Sars-CoV-2 Virus on the railway business. For the current week, the Federal computing group in the case of the passengers even with a decline of 40 percent, Peterson cited more.

trains can be evacuated to the open track

In January and in February, the passenger have to pay, therefore, on the other hand, around 10 percent significantly. “We continue to monitor the Situation carefully,” Peterson said to the Committee, according to the memo.

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so Far, I still have no ICE due to an infection in his journey cancel. It should be ensured that in the case of a suspected test cases, result within one to two hours is involved. The track is set to an emergency – to have trains on the open line to evacuate, it said.

“is the target of the traffic continues to maintain”

Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller had brought in the ZDF-“morning magazine” on Thursday, a restriction of the rail transport in the game. With this question, you need to deal at the Federal level, he said. As a response, a railway spokesman said on Thursday: “The railway is an integral part of the General interest. Our goal is, the traffic continues to maintain.“ Of the railway operations in Germany, the course is currently on a regular basis.

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a virologist Case for Germany is anticipating the Worst and corrected Horror scenario, FOCUS Online/Wochit virologist calculates Worst-Case scenario for Germany, and corrects the Horror-scenario
