At the former NUCLEAR site for a new Federal-wide interim storage to arise Würgassen. Nuclear power opponents reject the.

Here is soon to be built in: The reactor building of the former Nuclear power plant Würgassen photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa

for a Long time it was Würgassen still around. The nuclear power plant that was there in the border triangle of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and lower Saxony on the Weser, was already in 1994, decommissioned, well before the first atomic decision, the red-green coalition in the year 2000, had agreed on exit. Basic hair cracks, which were discovered by the German TÜV on the steel casing of the reactor were. For 17 years, the demolition took then. Receive the cored reactor building and a storage facility for low – and medium radioactive nuclear waste, which is covered in the event of demolition are remained.

Now, however, Würgassen moves back to the center of the nuclear debate: On Friday, the Federal Association for temporary storage (BGZ) announced that a new Central interim storage facility for low – level and medium-level radioactive waste from the whole of Germany is to be created. Built around 325 meters long, 125 meters wide and 16 meters high building made of reinforced concrete should be; the BGZ speaks of a “logistics centre”. The weak – and intermediate-level radioactive waste at the nation-wide demolition of the former Nuclear power stations, should there be not only stored, but also for the emplacement in the final Repository Schacht Konrad prepared.

The former ore mine Konrad is located approximately 85 kilometres North-East of Würgassen in Salzgitter; it is developed since 2007 for the Repository for low – and medium radioactive nuclear waste. The completion has been delayed again and again; currently it is officially expected in the year 2027.

nuclear power other criticism of the interior’s sharp criticism of the decision to build the Central interim storage in Würgassen. “The consequence is for example that on the railway lines from all directions nuclear waste trains to Würgassen roles, but also, and especially, between the Würgassen and Salzgitter often, pure nuclear waste trains will be on the road,” said Jochen Stay of the Initiative Broadcast.

That will be built in between the bearings directly on the shaft Konrad is, in its view, the fact that the approval procedure for the Repository site would have to be reopened. “As Konrad no longer corresponds to the current state of science and technology, and therefore today no more approval would be able to prevent a new process with all the Power,” says Stay. Similarly, the environmental Association BUND, Konrad argues, rejects as a nuclear waste site.

Federal Corporation for storage holds Würgassen, however, for well-suited. “The site has the necessary free surfaces, and the necessary connection to the rail network,” said managing Director Ewold Seeba. Also, the Federal Ministry for the environment, for nuclear waste disposal is politically responsible, defended the decision not to build the interim storage directly on the Schacht Konrad. The site is much too small to hold large quantities of waste in stock, said a spokesman.

The Left hand of the Bundestag, Hubertus Zdebel also criticised that the decision “was made behind closed doors”, without involving the population. An information event is only for the 18. March planned.