As far as health supplements go, there are many out there. We have increasingly become focused on our health and well-being, and numerous health supplements have emerged that are said to boost energy, enhance metabolism, and so on. But there is one health supplement which many people claim has helped them, especially in regard to dealing with pain. We’re talking about CBD, of course.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is only one of the 104 known compounds which come from the cannabis plant, and we can extract its oil and take it orally. While most of us may be familiar with another chemical compound which comes from the cannabis plant, THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, not many of us are truly familiar with CBD. And while THC is known for its psychoactive properties, CBD is different in that it is not psychoactive and doesn’t lead to a feeling of being ‘stoned’ or ‘high.’ So, what else should you know about CBD, and what can CBD oil do for you? Let’s find out. 

Relief from pain

Many of its users claim that CBD, especially CBD oil, can help relieve their pain. The marijuana plant is famous for pain relief, and people have been using it for centuries for the treatment of pain. The body has a system called the ECS, or endocannabinoid system, and this system helps regulate specific functions such as sleep, pain, and appetite. The human body can produce endocannabinoids, and these endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters which can bind themselves to the nervous system’s cannabinoid receptors. CBD is said to help decrease chronic pain by affecting the activity of endocannabinoid receptors, decreasing inflammation as well.

People with conditions such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis have used CBD oil to treat their pain symptoms, and although there is still no sure medical claim regarding the real pain alleviation effects of CBD, many of those who have tried it swear by its positive impact on pain relief.

Relief from depression and anxiety

Amongst the mental health conditions that are prevalent today, depression and anxiety are arguably the most common. And while you can treat depression and anxiety with prescription medication, these pharmaceutical remedies can have some side effects, which include agitation, drowsiness and lethargy, insomnia, headaches, and more. What’s more alarming is that these medications can often become addictive as well.

But CBD oil is fast becoming a promising alternative to prescription drugs in the treatment of depression and anxiety, especially since it is an all-natural supplement. Many believe that CBD can act on the receptors of the brain involving serotonin, which regulates social behaviour and moods.

Relief from symptoms related to cancer

People who have cancer who have tried CBD oil have said that CBD oil has helped alleviate some of their symptoms related to their condition, particularly in regard to pain, vomiting, and nausea.

Of course, we should do a lot more research regarding the real medical benefits of CBD, especially CBD oil from UK suppliers like– but this all-natural health supplement has already gained a lot of followers, and since it’s a naturally-derived compound, more people are eager to find out its real benefits for themselves. 

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