Often at the beginning of the divorce process, one spouse may think that self representation in court is a viable option. Sometimes people make this choice because they are looking to save money on legal costs, other believe it will save time, while still others simply believe that they can adequately represent themselves in court.
If you are at the beginning of the divorce process and are considering self-representation, it is important to know that in most cases, not hiring a divorce attorney could be a costly mistake. If there are no children or assets to speak of, the divorce is not contested, the other party has not hired a lawyer, and if the marriage was very brief, it may be possible to represent yourself in court, but it is still wise to proceed with extreme caution before choosing to proceed.
For most people, a divorce is a drawn out and complex process which requires the experience and expertise of a family or divorce attorney, according to Vaughan Winborne Attorney at Law. The main reason that hiring legal representation is advisable is because unless you are trained in divorce or family lawyer, you are simply not an expert in the in and outs of that area of law. Effectively illustrating this point is the fact that most attorneys who do not practice family law make the choice to hire a divorce attorney to handle their own divorce, rather than self-represent. In court, judges hold self-represented litigants to the same standards as a practicing attorney, so there is no room for error.
Additionally, family attorneys’ expertise and experience will oftentimes enable them to predict the likely outcome of your case. They will be able to suggest other options to settle your case, options which you may not have even known were a possibility. Likewise, a family lawyer will know how to respond to settlements or curve balls thrown at you from the other side, situation you may not be prepared for.
Same goes for the massive amount of legal paperwork that is involved in any divorce case. From the initial petition through the negotiations until the final settlement, a family lawyer knows exactly what forms need to be filed to keep the case moving along through the system.
A divorce lawyer also serves as a level headed third party who can work towards resolution of the case at a time when you are highly emotionally. Alimony or spousal support, the division of property debt, custody of children, child support, and visitation are usually never straightforward and can cause emotions to run very high. A divorce attorney will help you to navigate the uncharted and choppy waters, which in the long run is what will save you time and money.