The exams finally ended, for many students, the relief is unfortunately short-lived. As a further test awaits them now : the entry on the labour market. Some of you may have already set foot when they were students. But for others, this will be a first. And with it, a big question : how much will I win ? Each year, the provider of HR services, SD Worx redid his calculations by comparing the wages of belgian workers aged 18 to 24 who have been in their first job. Of 74,000 of them have been analyzed this year. Result : the average gross wage stood at 1.946€. It is of course much less than the average income of all employees that appears to him to 3.558 € (last digit Statbel 2017). But this amount is increased slightly each year for the past eight years. However, it varies significantly depending on several elements. And in the first place, the region where one works.

the variables of age, region, diploma