Telefónica España has been selected by Rural Servicios Informáticos (RSI) and the Caja Rural group to improve its fixed and mobile communications in its 34 entities and 2,755 offices distributed in 16 autonomous communities, as reported by the operator in a statement.

The objective is to integrate Caja Rural’s corporate lines into an evolved communications infrastructure that incorporates functionalities to facilitate “more fluid” communication with its partners and increase the company’s management capabilities.

“Among the solutions that will be implemented, the ‘Fusion’ IP network stands out to increase the technical capacity and reliability of the network, which will also benefit from the continuous deployment of coverage in urban and rural environments with sections that have 5G technology to provide service. to the headquarters,” Telefónica detailed.

On the other hand, the mobile voice and data service for the around 10,000 employees of the Caja Rural group will have SDN (software defined network) technology, which will allow the network configuration to be managed in “real time” (both the local and wireless) and the deployment of new offices “in a simple way”.

“For fixed network services, ‘Centrex IP’ and ‘Voice 365’ will be available to unify and digitize all communications from the same office in the cloud and facilitate the mobile workplace,” added the operator.

In this context, the president of Telefónica Spain, Emilio Gayo, has stressed that the solutions that will be deployed for the Caja Rural group will be able to adapt “to the challenges that are going to come as a consequence of the current technological revolution”, among which are, according to the manager, from new security threats or the increase in the multi-connection of devices in different locations.

“Caja Rural reinforces and promotes its communications and has raised its standards of operational resilience, security and innovation in its own context marked by deep values ​​of closeness to the customer and authentic commitment to the development of rural areas thanks to our extensive network of offices” , highlighted for his part the president of Caja Rural del Sur and RSI, José Luis García-Palacios.